(Murven) 4x06 Murphy Waits for Raven to Wake Up.

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Murphy Waits for Raven

Murphy raced back with Abby.
"Put her on her side!" Abby screamed, kneeling down to put her on her side.
Murphy let out a silent groan and ran his fingers through his hair.
He couldn't look back at her.
"Ok she's stopped, Luna go get Jackson so we can-.."
Before Abby could finish her sentence Murphy quickly walked over and picked Raven up.
"John.." Abby said, standing up.
"You can put her in my room, John." Luna mumbled.
"Thanks, I bet she'd appreciate it." Murphy walked away quickly.
He got up the stairs quicker.
Murphy walked into Luna's room and placed Raven gently onto the bed.
He turned to walk out of the room, but for some reason.. he didn't want to- he couldn't.
Murphy stood in the doorway for a second, his eyes hit the floor.
Murphy walked back over to Raven, he pulled a chair up and sat down.
He let out a little sigh.
Murphy's hand slowly crept up towards Raven's.
His hand hovered over her's for a second, he began to put it down.. but pulled back.
But then, he hesitantly dropped his hand on her's softly.
Her hand was hot and sweaty, she had been overwhelming himself.
Murphy's stomach began to turn, it worried him that Raven wa-.. wait why did he even care? She was so mean and harsh to him earlier today.
Murphy shook the thought out of his head.
He sighed.
Murphy felt a weird feeling, in his stomach- he had the same feeling each time he kissed Emori.
Murphy jumped, he knew it was Emori.
"Did I seriously scare you?" Emori laughed slightly.
"No. I'm just on edge." Murphy said quickly.
Emori walked over him.
Murphy turned around and took his hand off Raven's.
Emori leaned down and kissed him.... it was gone!
The old feeling Murphy would get when him and Emori would kiss is gone.
"I'll get you when she wakes up." Murphy mumbled into Emori's lips- pretty much shooing her off.
A little odd, but Emori just thought he was worried about his 'friend' so she didn't think anything of it and walked out.

Murphy was freaking out.
Was he falling out of love with Emori.
He shook all of his thoughts off.
He looked at Raven.
She was so peaceful, we as peaceful as someone who just had a seizure could be.
He smiled to himself.
Oh god..
He fell out of love with Emori... and into love with Raven.
Murphy's eyes hit the floor, his mind began to race.
His thoughts roared loudly.
All of the questions rolled in so quickly.
Everything was so loud.. then-
"Murphy..?" Raven's voice asked.
Everything went silent.

Murphy turned to Raven.
He laughed a little.
"I'll glad your alright.." Murphy mumbled.
Raven smiled weakly.
"You alright?" Murphy asked.
"Yeah- but I have to-.."
Murphy cut her off.
"Don't worry about everything else, just get some sleep and let Abby handle the magic potion for a while."
Raven eased up. She nodded weakly.
Raven laid her head on the pillow.
She looked up at Murphy with tired eyes.
Murphy reached over and pushed a strand of hair out of her face.
They made eye contact.
Raven slowly begin to sit up.
Murphy met her halfway and pressed his lips to her's.
Murphy put a hand on the side of Raven's face.
Raven pulled away for a second.
"What about Emori?" She asked.
"I'll tell her.." Murphy mumbled.
Raven returned to kissing him.

Murphy walked up to Emori.
"Hey! Is she awak-" Emori saw his serious expression.
"We need to talk." Murphy mumbled.
Murphy inhaled sharply.
"I.. am in love with someone else." Murphy shrugged.
"John.." Emori mumbled, sadness lacing her words.
"I'm sorry, Emori- but we're over."
Murphy walked away, leaving her there with a broken heart and tears in her eyes.

Murphy sat back in his chair, next to Raven's bed.
He was practicing the phrase Luna whispered to Raven, he just needed to get his mind off of what happened earlier.
It was late in the night, the only person awake was him.
Raven's eyes fluttered open.
(In Trig)
"I give myself...to the miracle...of the sea..." Murphy mumbled.
Raven smiled weakly.
She began to sit up slowly.
Murphy picked his head up off of his hand when he heard the blankets rustle.
"My head.." Raven groaned.
Murphy laughed slightly under his breath.
Raven turned to him, she saw the relief and exhaustion on his face.. but there was more to it. She studied his face harder, and could see the sorrow he was hiding.
"If I had a head like your's mine would hurt too." Murphy joked.
Raven saw right through him, he may be making jokes, but he was worried.. she could tell.
Raven quickly wrapped her arms around him.
Murphy wrapped his arms around her too, he felt her shake her head.
"I'm sorry, Murphy." Raven paused. "I'm sorry for worrying you so badly. I'm sorry for causing you this pain.." Raven mumbled.
A tear quickly streamed down Raven's face.
Murphy pulled back.
"Raven.. you didn't cause me any pain." Murphy was being serious and genuine, which seems rare
He wiped the tears off of her face.
Murphy slowly leaned towards Raven.
He placed his lips on her's.
Raven went with it, enjoyed it even.
Raven suddenly pulled back, she didn't want to- but she had too.
"What about Emori?" Raven asked quickly.
"I already handled that." Murphy said, a tad bit of sorrow to his tone.
Raven smiled and leaned forward to kiss him again.

Raven's eyes fluttered open, she slowly sat up.
She saw Clarke and Murphy through the window.
They were talking-... in more detail, Clarke was comforting him- she had her mother look on.

Murphy sat there, determined not to pick his eyes up off of the floor.
"Murphy, you did the right thing. It would have been worse if you didn't tell her." Clarke reassured.
Murphy nodded and looked up.
He remembered Clarke's love interest.. she died right in front of Clarke.
"What about you?" Murphy asked, making eye contact.
Clarke shook her head.
"I barely have something with Niylah... but.." Clarke paused.
"I get it." Murphy said, saving her the trouble.
"Thanks Murphy.." Clarke smiled. "I have to go talk to my mom, so I'll see you later."
"Bye." Murphy waved, watching as Clarke walked away.
He sighed, maybe Clarke was lucky- Lexa died slowly, sure.. but not as slow as Raven. Raven was dying slower, losing her mind...
"Oh hey...John."
Murphy looked over quickly, Emori.
"Hey." Murphy mumbled.
He broke up with her, and in the same day slept with someone else.
Speak of the devil, Raven walked down the stairs- adjusting her brace.
"Morning." Raven called out over the lab, groggy but energetic like.
"Morning Reyes." Murphy joked.
"Watch yourself Mister." Raven laughed.
Emori looked between the two, could they? No.. never.
"Hey, Emori.. can I talk to Raven alone?" Murphy asked.
Emori was quiet for a second.
"Sure." She mumbled and walked up the stairs.
Once she was gone, Murphy's eyes landed on Raven.
"I'm guessing your gonna explain?" Raven asked, walking towards him.
"I guess I should."
Murphy took a deep breath.
"I broke up with Emori because I fell out of love with her." Murphy paused. "And into love with you."
Butterflies made sure to irritate ever corner of Raven's stomach.
There was silence for a second, not bad silence.. just silence.
Murphy gulped.
"Raven you are the smartest girl I know, toughest, bravest, you name it. When I put a bullet in your leg I didn't know the bit of stuff I know now, because if I did.. I wouldn't have pulled the trigger." Murphy paused. "And I am so so sorry.. for doing this to you." Murphy shook his head.
And before he knew it, Raven's arms wrapped tightly around him.
He felt the warm feeling again.. the spark.
Murphy felt himself smile..
"I'm in love with you too.." Raven whispered.

my poor soul

okay for starters, it is super late so i doubt any ghosts at all would see this but yeah.

i'm just out here with my insomniac ass writing murven oneshots- how lovely.

anyways i hope you enjoy, this is unedited so yeah don't mind any mistakes.

k bye, ghosts <3

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