[ friendship ] raven and clarke season seven

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***7x03 Spoilers***

Clarke walked into Medical.

She came to check on Russel, to make sure he's not dead.

Russel.. dead.

Sounds nice to Clarke..

Then she saw Raven, Jackson tending to her.

"Raven!" Clarke gasped, speeding her walking pace over to her.

Clarke got over to Raven.

She inspected her wounds, then looked over at Jackson.

"I got this.." Clarke instructed Jackson, but kept her eyes on Raven.

Jackson walked off and Raven kept her eyes on the floor.

"What happened?" Clarke asked, quietly.

"The four miners.. they're dead." Raven whimpered.

"Was that supposed to happen?" Clarke sat next to her.

"Yes.." Raven mumbled.

"Did they get it done?" Clarke asked.

"Yeah." Raven said, looking up at Clarke.

"Sometimes people have to die so we can live."

"There was a women, his girlfriend I think. And when she saw him dead she came at me."

Clarke searched her mind.

"Yeah I know who your talking about." Clarke said.

Clarke stood up and gathered a few materials, then returning.

"Raven, it'll be okay." Clarke assured.

"They trusted me, Clarke. I lied to them, told them they'd be safe."

"Like I said. Sometimes a few have to die to save the many."

Tears ran down Raven's face.

"The pain will fade, Raven." Clarke smiled weakly.

Raven nodded, and they pulled each other into a hug.


Raven headed out the door.

"Don't do anything stupid." Clarke called out.

"No promises, Doc." Raven retaliated, almost cheerfully.

The room was now empty, Russel had been cleared and sent back to his cell.

Clarke felt tears form and drop out of her eyes.

She wiped the tears from her eyes and sat down.

"Why haven't you came back yet, Bellamy..?" Clarke mumbled to herself.

hah had to add that little sprinkle of bellarke sorry—

comment oneshot ideas, any friendship or ship it doesn't matter to me. i'm just bored lmao

k bye, ghosts <3

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