Start from the beginning

Rowan frowns, seeming to think about the question.

"Why am I on the island in the first place?"

Jesus Christ.

"I don't know. You got in a shipwreck."

"So then I could just repair the ship and leave."

Okay, Rowan's messing with Dew. There is a very slight upturn to his mouth that shows he finds Dew's frustration hilarious. Dew just groans, deflating back in the seat.

"No! You can't leave."

"I'd get some wood, a hammer, and some nails, and I'd repair the ship."

Dew just glares at him. He's about to snap. Leave it to this asshole to turn a conversation starter into a bunch of bullshit. "Fine. You got there by a plane crash. No way to escape."

Rowan hums, back to thinking it through. After a minute he says. "A knife, definitely. A map of the island..." he pauses, "and a flare gun."


"How about you?"

Dew shrugs, resting his chin in his hand, studying Rowan's lack of expression. The guy never shows any emotion, aside from patience. It's annoying. Dew would love to see the guy at least smile.

"You, some matches, and a bike."

"Why me?"

"Because you have a flare gun, a map, and a knife."

"I'd be more useful if I had a boat."

Dew rolls his eyes, though he can't help but to smile a bit. The vehicle delves into silence, and it remains that way for the rest of the car ride.

Finally, the car pulls up to a huge lot, and Dew stares out the window. It doesnt take him long to find a massive, white plane facing the other direction. It doesn't have any labels on the side, so Dew deduces that this s a private jet. Wow, he hasn't travelled like this since he was a child. The car comes to a stop, and Rowan gets out. Dew follows him, and he find the driver removing his suitcase from the back.

The driver hands the suitcase over to Dew's outstretched hands, and Rowan leads the way to the ramp that is attatched to the plane. Dew follows him the whole time, and before he knows it, the two are placing their luggage in the overhead compartment. There are several seats on the plane, and Rowan takes one that's near the window. Dew decides to sit right next to him.

He hopes Spikes will be okay. He set out like four containers of dry cat food and a huge bowl of water for her. He's never left her this long before, and she's surely not going to be too happy with him when he comes back.

"If you were stranded on the moon for 30 days, waiting for help, what equipment would you choose to keep you alive?" Rowan asks. Dew turns to look at him, surprised that the captain is proposing his own questions.

Dew frowns, thinking about it. He doesn't really know too much about space, so this is a bit of a challenge. What would he bring to keep himself alive? Deciding to play this Rowan's way, he responds, "a spaceship."

Rowan's expression doesn't change at all. "as many items as you want, with a weight limit of 500 pounds."

Ugh. Dew rolls his eyes. Huh. What would he choose that weighs under 500 pounds? Maybe... "30 days of food? Oh, and an oxygen tank. That's it."

"You'll die."

What? How is Dew going to die? Wait. "Oh, and water. Can I have an astronaut suit?"


Philo [MXM] [BOOK 2] ✓Where stories live. Discover now