Chapter Eighteen

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Louis' hand lingers in air, a few inches above the ball, before he gets his shit together and finally takes it from the ground. Straightening himself up again, he keeps his eyes on the small red object as long as possible, before eventually facing the man standing before him. The one and only, Harry Styles. Of course.

"Sorry if he's bothering you," the curly head says with an apologetic smile, ruffling his hand through the boy's hair.

"That's fine," Louis replies weakly, nearly choking on his own breath. He would have nearly added It's my job after all but then it came to his mind that he should probably keep the façade up for the child that he is a real, proper clown.

However, how he suddenly realises, this also seems to apply to Harry. When he first addressed him, Louis has mistakenly assumed that the man knows who he's talking to, just as clearly as Louis does. But what if his silly costume and white-painted face actually make it impossible for Harry to recognise him? Maybe he could get out of this situation more elegantly this time?

"Come on, Bear, let's go and let this clown do his job, alright?"

"Nooo," the kid protests, stomping his little foot onto the ground. "I want him to show me a trick first. He's so boring!"

Louis withstands the urge to roll his eyes dramatically. This boy is not the only one not having fun here.

"It's not very nice to talk about someone like that," Harry scolds the kid softly. "Especially not when they are standing next to you."

The boy pouts and looks to the ground, mumbling something about only telling the truth.

"Now say sorry and maybe the nice clown will do some juggling for you, huh?"

The boy looks up at Louis with wide brown eyes, scratching his left foot with the tip of his right shoe. "'M sorry, Mr Clown..."

Louis can't help the fond expression that is probably spreading on his face. Unfortunately, he remembers that his juggling skills are anything but impressive and he will make a complete fool out of himself in a few moments. Maybe he can at least make the kid laugh. This would be his greatest achievement of today.

The hope and excitement in Bear's eyes make him want to give his best, a look into Harry's face lets his nerves tingle in anxiety. This is going to be so embarrassing. But at least he doesn't know who he is.

Louis puts two balls in his right hand and one in his left, throwing one up in the air and at the same trying to move all of them in a circle. He doesn't even manage to get them around once before dropping them to the ground. He sighs theatrically. The boy starts giggling happily, clapping his tiny hands.

"This is not funny, young man," Louis tells him, feigning indignation. It only makes the kid laugh louder. He picks up the balls and starts a second attempt but fails again. When he is about to try a third time, Harry suddenly begins chuckling.

"You don't do this very often, do you?" he asks, amusement clear in his voice.

"I've never said it's my supreme discipline," Louis mutters under his breath, causing Harry to laugh wholeheartedly. But when he's regained his breath, he narrows his eyes at Louis in a way that the latter doesn't quite like. But Harry's face softens again shortly after.

"I can show you how to do it," he offers, making juggling movements with his empty hands.

Why can't they just leave? The longer Harry is around, the longer they are talking and the higher gets the probability that he recognises him. On the other hand, how can he politely ask 'potential customers' to go away?

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