chapter fifteen

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Darius POV

After breakfast, I carried Avery to the theater room, I think that making her watch her favorite movies will make her a little bet better.

She clung to me the whole way to the theater room.

I went into the small kitchen that is in the theater room and made popcorn and poured us some of her favorite juice.

All of that and she just kept quiet, resting her head on my shoulder and playing with my hair here and then.


Right now, we are watching frozen, her favorite, but it's like I was watching it alone.

She is sat on my lap looking at the tv with blank eyes. She keeps looking at me from time to time.

I try to make her engaged with the movie but she would just stay silent.

It was now when Elsa was hearing voices and started singing.

Usually Avery would start singing with her, but now she is just silent and it just breaks my heart.

I want to see her smile and laugh and sing but I just don't know what to do anymore.

I know that I should give her sometime but it's making my heart break.

I don't know from when I could feel like that, I was just numb and since Avery came into my life, I started to feel happy again, I started to be human.

I just wish to her giggles.

But that looks like it's going to take some time to happen.

"Who knows deep down I'm not where I'm meant to be?
Every day's a little harder as I feel your power grow
Don't you know there's part of me that longs to go
Into the unknown
Into the unknown." I sang softly trying to make her sing with me but she just looked at me.

"Daddy," She whispered looking at me with those soft vulnerable eyes.

"Yes, baby?" I said immediately, happy that she just talked.

"I love you." She said softly and hugged me tightly.

"I love you more, my baby." I told her hugging her tightly, feeling my heart beat so hard as she told me she loves me.

She rests her head on my shoulder even looking at the movie.

I rocked her back and forth ad I felt tears on my shoulder.

"Shh, shh, baby, it's alright, everything is fine now." I tried to make her feel better but it was useless as she started sobbing.

"D-Daddy, don't l-leave m-me." She said as she cried desperately clutching my shirt as tightly as her small hand could.

"Ave, I promise I am not leaving you. You will be safe, don't worry, no one will take you from me again."


After she finally calmed down, I asked her if she wanted to go see Amelia and Leo and she just nodded

So right now, we are on our way to the cafe. Avery wouldn't leave me so I had the driver drive us there.

when we arrived, I tried to put Avery on the ground but she whimpered and held onto me onto me tighter so I carried her again.

She put her arms around my neck and held tightly and looked around.

As soon as I found Leo and Amelia, I went to their table and sat down.

"Hey, Leo. Hey, Amelia."

"Hey, Darius." Leo said and then looked at Avery, "Hey, Avery."

She just waved with her hands and then looked at Amelia when she said, "Hey, Avery."

"Hey." She muttered quietly and then hid her head in my neck quickly while sitting on my lap.

I sighed and then looked down at Avery and asked her, "Do you wanna go and sit with Amelia?"

She looked at me with wide eyes and then shook her head rapidly and clutched onto me.

Amelia looked sad but I know that she understands that Avery is just scared not that she doesn't want to sit with Amelia and I saw Leo lean down and told her something quietly.

I think he was telling her that Avery was just scared.

We talked for a little while as we drank coffee.

I brought Avery a juice as I know that she loves them and when I looked at Avery to make her drink, I found her asleep.

"She doesn't talk since we got her, does she?" He said with a frown and his eyes filled with concern.

"She talks when we are alone but she doesn't talk a lot, and the sad part is that she doesn't even smile anymore. I tried to make her watch frozen but she didn't watch it, I tried to sing to make her laugh and tell me that my voice is bad and to stop singing, or make her sing with me but she just...she wants me to hold her and I am fine with that, I just want her to smile, I don't want to see her cry, I don't know what to do." I went on and on when I realized that I was rambling.

"Maybe, you can take her to the mall and buy her some toys, maybe she will like that." He said sighing, I know that he loves her and that it is hard for him too.

Amelia was just looking at Avery and then she told me that Avery is awake.

I looked down at her as started to move in my arms.

I smiled at her and before I could say anything, Amelia said, "Would you like to sit with me for a little bit?"

She just looked at Amelia and then looked at me, I nodded trying to encourage her.

She then looked at Amelia and then nodded slowly.

Amelia smiled big and took Avery from my arms and sat her on her lap, they talked quietly to each other and I just talked with Leonard glancing at Avery every now and then.


"Daddy," Avery whispered raising her hand towards me.

I took her from Amelia and she just hugged me tightly, I hugged her back.

"I have to leave, now, it's Avery's bedtime." I told Leonard and Amelia as I stood up.

I was about to put the money on the table when Leonard told me that he will pay, so, I just carried Avery out of the cafe as I called the driver.

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