Guardian of Gale Forest

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Gale Forest, Roria

"What!?" Dr. Vanta yelped, glancing at the dark figure, "Argh, Heavy Bash!"

The Loomian avoided the attack and seemed to stop, before suddenly floating right into its face and slam a purplish ball into it, making it lose some health and making it flinch for a moment, but Dr. Vanta laughed.

Jake went pale, the Loomian looked like a ghost type. He managed not to scream, but he let out a tiny squeak of fear.

"Hehe, looks like today's our lucky day," chuckled Dr. Vanta when he realized what it was, also laughing at Jake's fearful face and Dozen's confused face at his sudden mood change, "Duskit, Guardian of Gale Forest, so, so rare to find, has appeared right here. Now, Munchwheel, don't let this chance escape us, it is still too weak to defeat us, so Aim and Heavy Bash again!" 

While the Munchwheel positioned itself, the Duskit did nothing but wait. And wait. And right after the Munchwheel finished Aim, it lunged toward the Duskit, and Jake and Dozen watched in horror as the Duskit fell to the ground, fainted, but then the Munchwheel collapsed too.

"No!" Dr. Vanta yelled, smacking his good hand against his burnt hand, wincing when he did that and making Jake and Dozen giggle, "Right! That rascal Duskit knows Final Ruse!" He said some things Jake knew he shouldn't hear and ran toward the Duskit surprisingly slow. Perhaps getting his hand hurt had affected his legs too,

"This is like Destiny Bond," muttered Dozen.

"What?" Jake asked, turning to Dozen gladly, "did I here Destiny Bond?"

"Nothing," Dozen replied hurriedly. Jake knew she was hiding something, but he knew there were bigger matters to handle.

They ran toward Duskit and Jake even Body Slammed himself against Dr. Vanta to stop him. He might be scared of Duskit, but he was going to protect it anyway, but he'll pass the chance of holding it and let Dozen do it.

"I'll get you 2 for this. No one, no one gets away with this, I, I will be back and you better remember that." Dr. Vanta spat, his eyes filled with hatred, as he darted off into the shadowy parts of Gale Forest.

All of a sudden, Gale Forest seemed more eerie, and Jake jumped from the sound of the wind rustling ominously.

"Come on," Dozen said, glancing toward where Dr. Vanta had stalked away, "best be going."

"Ok," Jake replied shakily, "let's take the Duskit to a Loomian Trainer Station."

The 2 ran off, not noticing a weird object behind them, and that it was that object omitting the evil aura, not the forest without Duskit,


Dozen and Jake watched the Duskit float away. Jake has wanted Dozen to catch it, yes he was scared of it but no, he didn't want them passing the chance of having a powerful Loomian on their team, but Dozen had dismissed the idea, saying that it should return to Gale Forest and guard it, reminding it how creepy Gale Forest became after it left. Jake sighed, both with regret and relief, as he watched the rare Loomian vanish from view.

Dozen turned toward Jake, "What's your name anyway?"

"Jake." Jake replied, "I don't come from here."

"Neither do I," Dozen said chuckling, "and did you say Jake? That...that sounds familiar...and you look familiar too..."

"What's so funny?" Jake asked, "and I'm sure I don't know you.

"Uh..nothing, hehe, just, ignore it. Private joke." Dozen replied.

Jake and Dozen stood there awkwardly for awhile, till Dozen asked, "Are you going to go challenge the Battle Theatre?"

"A Battle wha?" Jake said puzzled, "a place where people act out battles?"

"No, Battle Theatre, you know, a place you can battle a Battle Star and get medals," Dozen explained, "I'm going to get it and help a friend of mine named Globe look for some things."

Globe, Jake thought, where had I heard that name before, but instead he said, "Hey, Dozen, want to go to the Battle Theatre together?"

"Sure, but I'll have to do something after we make it to Silvent, sorry, I'll battle it later, we can meet up at Kanko Village, also, here, this is my number, we can call each other too." Dozen answered.

"Oh. Also, do you know Sepharite?" Jake questioned, he hope he wasn't getting to nosy.

"Yes, it has a Battle Theatre too." Dozen said and suddenly she said sharply "I also did research on Dr. Vanta. He runs POLUT. Corps, which works in Sepharite, the highest technological advanced city here, and he works with Soul Crystals which is actually a place you can go after you beat Naya, the Battle Star, but Jake, why do you want to know Sepharite? It seems like a bad place to go after we literally just became lifelong enemies with Dr. Vanta."

"Nothing, it's just that he mentioned it." Jake said, but his mind was making plans already. 

If Dr. Vanta uses Soul Crystals, he must get it, he might have a chance of going home. If not, no matter what Dozen said, he'll sneak off to Sepharite City.

"Come on Jake," Dozen said, her voice going into an energetic shout, "cheer up. Let's head to Silvent already."

"Sure, let me pack my stuff." Jake answered.

"Ok! Take your time." Dozen answered, opening up her Loomi Watch.

"Globe, I'm heading to Silvent with someone. Also, I didn't find Tess or the pieces, and does the name Jake ring a bell?" Dozen whispered.

"No, it seems to ring, but I can't put my finger on it." Globe's voice answered, "I got dragged in to help a old man with some sort of problem with Gale Forest."

Fear shot through Dozen, the Duskit had left not to long ago, but she hid it, "ok Globe, update you next time."

"Ok Dozen." Globe replied.

"Ready!" Jake's voice rang out.

"Coming!" Dozen yelled back, the problem with Gale Forest will have to wait. She looked back at the hostile looking forest before turning around and running off with Jake.


Dozen was alone. She had split up with Jake. While Jake head off to Silvent, she was going to stay at Route 4 and train. She had too much worries for the Theatre and she had things to do. Jake was fine with it, and told her to train as long as possible which was weird. He also seemed nervous, but Dozen decided it was from challenging the Battle Theatre.

 She paced around the tall grass when something shot up.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Dozen shrieked, stumbling backward.

"Volt!" Hissed her Weevolt with hostility.

Dozen peered up at the assailant, only to see the same Duskit from before.


Author's Note:

Hey, hope you enjoy this story a lot! Yes, it is going to stray away from Jake's POV sometimes, but it is still mainly Jake. Hope you like it! Also, please comment to let me know what you think  and if you want to be in this story. If you do, tell me your team and role! I understand if you can't. Anyway, bye for now! 😜

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