The Power of Bonds

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Cheshma Loomian Trainer Station, Roria

"WHAT!?" yelled Dr. Vanta, taking a step closer to Jake.

Jake put his hand on Embit, he could feel Embit shivering, "I said no."

"Well, let me tell you something, Dr. Vanta doesn't give up that easily," Dr. Vanta said threatenly.

"You know, I can just call the police right?" Jake shot back, taking out his phone.

Dr. Vanta merely smiled, "The police only listen to the devices POLUT. Corps had made, and I have a feeling that it won't say I'm guilty."

He took another step toward Jake, who was holding Embit. "As you know, Sepharite is the highest technological advanced city in Roria, so, if you're smart, you SHOULD know that I probably have some of those devices on me, and that I CAN do whatever it takes to get what I want."

Jake glared at Dr. Vanta, but deep down, he was frightened, he wished Tess or Globe was here. They were braver than him. Globe confronted Team Eclipse multiple times and when Tess herself got caught, she stayed brave. He? He was just a coward trying to act powerful.

"Why do you even NEED Embit? Jake asked.

"You know Searknight, an evolution of Embit, right?" Jake shook his head, "well, they are EXTREMELY loyal, and if I get your Embit, and make it loyal to me, and get it to a Searknight, I'll put it in my creations and they'll listen to me, no matter what."

"You're crazy!" Jake yelled, "you're psychotic!" 

"No. You're just too stubborn and a scaredy." Dr. Vanta shot back, stinging Jake.

Dr. Vanta leaned close to Jake, "This is your final chance, give me that Embit and I'll make sure no harm crosses you."

"No!" Jake shouted despairingly, but confidently, "Hurt me all you want, you're not going to touch it!"

Dr. Vanta raised his arm high, and flexed it a bit, preparing to strike Jake.

"I-I betrayed my friends already, we'll not exactly, but they thought I did. I should've let them know the plan. I still betrayed them no matter what Looker had said." Jake cried, hugging Embit closer to him, "I'm not going to betray anyone anymore."

Jake trembled, but he knew he was doing the right thing. He couldn't betray Embit, Embit was already loyal to him and had helped him on multiple occasions, and, Embit was his only friend right now. He wanted to go home badly, and he knew Globe and Tess would want that too, but he knew they will also disagree with sacrificing Embit to the maniac.

Dr. Vanta frowned, and swung his hand at Jake, but then Embit stirred to life and shot a flaming ball of fire at his hand, burning it. 

"Embit!" Jake shouted, smiling, "I knew you'll live, I just knew it."

"Ow! You idiot rascal." Dr. Vanta yelled, " is that possible? That defies all logic! This is not possible, my machines clearly detect that it is 100% dead..." 

"Well, nothing is 100% and it doesn't defy logic! Bonds are powerful, it's capable of anything." Jake said happily, "Now, excuse us, we'll be heading off."

"No!" Dr. Vanta yelled, grabbing Jake by the shirt. Jake yelped and Embit let out a startled shriek.

Dr. Vanta dragged them into Gale Forest, "I'm not giving up just because of a burned hand. You will do what I ask, you will. I won't let you go that easily."


Gale Forest, Roria

"Ah, this should be a good spot. No one in sight." said Dr. Vanta chuckling maliciously.

He was had gagged Embit with a device that Embit couldn't burn and was grabbing Jake's arm and twisting it painfully.

"How about we battle?" Jake said hopefully, it might be his only chance of escaping.

"Hmmm, might as well, you're weak, and I know it. I know you can't defeat me." Dr. Vanta said, sending his Loomian out.

Jake realized Dr. Vanta was only using 1, but it was a fully evolved 1, Jake had no chance, even if Fire WAS super effective against it. Jake scanned it, it was a Munchwheel.

"Munchwheel, Heavybash!" Commanded Dr. Vanta.

"Embit, counter with Singe!" Jake yelled desperately.

Embit shot out the fire as the metallic bash hit Embit mercilessly, Embit collapsed on the ground.

"You made a grave mistake young man," chuckled Dr. Vanta, "You should've accepted it, because now, there'll be consequences."

"No.'' Jake said boldly, ''I don't regret my choices."

Jake was done of regretting his choices, he was going to do the right ones and not regret them.

Dr. Vanta reached for Embit who was still lying on the ground, but Jake got there 1st.

"No. You are not taking Embit." Jake said.

"I won. Winners take all." Dr. Vanta said with a sly grin.

NO!" Jake yelled, but he realized someone had yelled it with him. 

Suddenly, a girl burst into the clearing they were in, "Stop, you can't take people's Pokémon if they don't want you to, that is highly illegal!"

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Dr. Vanta laughed, "Another person here, trying to stop me. And is going to fail."

'' My name's Dozen, and I don't care who you are, but you are definitely a villain and should be stopped." Dozen said confidently, ''You might have a stronger team, but I'll still try."

"Haha, such a funny joke, Munchwheel, let's show her." Dr. Vanta said, still chuckling.

"Weevolt, it's up to you." Dozen said, "Static Shock!"

"Munchwheel, Mega Chomp!" Dr. Vanta commanded mercilessly.

The Static Shock smashed into the Munchwheel, but it didn't even seem to notice, and approached the Weevolt.

"Dodge!" Yelled Dozen, but the Munchwheel was too fast and acted first, and made the Weevolt fall onto the ground too.

"Ah, looks like I can add a Weevolt in too." Dr. Vanta said, smiling an evil smile.

"Dozen?" Jake asked, turning to her, "Why did you help me? If you didn't, you wouldn't have been dragged into this."

"Well person I don't know, I can't just watch, can I?" Dozen replied, "When people need help, help them, even if it might hurt yourself!" 

Jake was silent. Dozen reminded him awfully of his friends, sacrificing themselves for others. Jake wished he could be more like that.

"Stop it you 2 with all the philosophical stuff and hand over your Loomians and follow me!" Dr. Vanta interrupted, shouting impatiently.

The 2 turned toward Dr. Vanta and their Loomians, they couldn't make a break for it, they were in a dead end with a pink tree and Dr. Vanta was blocking the exit.

"Come, or there will just be more consequences." Dr. Vanta commanded, "NOW!"

"Still no!" They both shouted in unison, "You'll have to make us!"

Dr. Vanta walked eeriely toward them, holding his burnt hand, and approached them, when suddenly, a purplish black figure swooped in the way.


Author's Note: 

Sorry it took so long, I had other stuff to do and was busy. Hope you guys enjoyed it though. Also, Dozen, if you caught any other Loomians, please tell me, also, do you think it'll be OK if I say you caught Duskit? Thanks again for reading and if anyone else wants to be in this story, let me know what role and Loomians!

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