XXii. It's All Too Much

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Storybrooke. Present-day.

IT WAS ALL a bit too much for Gemma to take in, to realize that she was someone she wasn't and had this whole different life she didn't remember, how could she forget she had a whole other life, just like that as if it never existed and what about the people she left behind? What happened to them?

She truly was on the edge of a breakdown as she tried to sort through her thoughts, but found they were too loud for her to make sense of and her breathing had become more shallow and rapid and she knew she was on the edge of a panic attack and thought about calling Keira as she had calmed Gemma down before however, she knew that Keira was working in her tattoo shop and if she did, Gemma would end up having to lie about where the panic attack came from

Breathing deeply Gemma tried to force oxygen into her lungs as she counted to three in her head like Keira had told her to do when she felt a panic attack occurring or was already in one but she found herself unable to focus or distract herself

Tears leaked from her eyes as she tried to get a grip of herself as she dug her nails into her palms her breathing getting a little bit more even as the time ticked on and eventually she managed to pull herself together enough that the sobs subsided although there were still tears rolling down her cheeks 

She stayed sitting on the sofa, watching the clock ticking and tocking the second hand working it's way all around the different numbers as it blurred its way around the clock the longer she watched the clock and the time ticking on 

No longer wanting to stay in one place Gemma got to her feet and walked into the kitchen hoping to get a glass of water that would hopefully soothe her but before she could make it all the way to the kitchen the door opened and a frazzled and upset Mary Margret burst in, the sudden action of  it all surprising Gemma who had given her friend a key to her house for emergencies and general use but she had always rung the doorbell so it surprised Gemma that she had just walked in 

Immediately Gemma took two long strides over to her friend and held her forearms looking in her eyes to see if she could figure out what was wrong but she found nothing so she leant in and whispered: "What's wrong?"

"Henry's in the hospital -- he's been poisoned"

* * * * *

Enchanted Forest. Then.

The black clouds grew around the castle and Giselle held her breath as the dark clouds grew closer and closer leaving Giselle to feel suffocated. Regina had done it, she had cast the curse she really was going to take away everyone's happy endings and they couldn't do anything about it now 

She thought about running away but then she realised that it was a stupid thing to think about outrunning magic because every time someone tries to outrun magic either figuratively or literally would end up having a bad time

You cannot destroy magic, once it's been realised

Giselle had been through a lot in the last couple of years, getting transported into the Real World and learning of their ways and falling in love, only to be ripped away from it all when she decided to help her friend and then get kidnapped by the Evil Queen who took her heart and made her do her bidding and now ... Where was this curse taking her?  She didn't know, somewhere where Snow White and her won't get their happy ending she presumes but where would that be? It must be someplace horrible if the Evil Queen had to give up so much in order to get it

Holding her breath as the black clouds drew nearer she began to think of all she had left behind and her thoughts began to drift to a little girl with light brown hair as she closed her eyes, Morgan. The little girl had given her so much hope and happiness and how Giselle wished she had some of that right now, she always believed in hope and love and magic, not that Giselle didn't, she always did but no matter what happened the young girl always seemed to have hope that tomorrow would be a better day 

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