X. New Guy in Town

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Storybrooke. Present day.

THE LITTLE BELL above Granny's diner sounded as she entered the diner, she was supposed to meet Mary Margret and Keira for breakfast and coffee before school started. Only to raise her eyebrows when she saw that Mary Margret was there but she was with David Nolan and she listens to their conversation before David picks up his coffee from Ruby and leaves the diner, leaving an opening for Gemma to slide in

"Hi Mary Margret" Gemma said sitting down opposite the raven haired woman whose eyes widened at the woman and she looked like she wanted to hide behind her cup off coffee "I thought we were supposed to meet today, I didn't realise you'd be on a before school date with David Nolan. Where's Keira?"

Mary Margret sheepishly pointed to the counter where the younger blonde was placing her order for a ice coffee with Granny and she looked to her left to see Erica walk up to the woman and touch her shoulder to shake the elementary teacher out of her chance and sat next to Gemma although she didn't seem to notice her and as soon as Mary Margret saw the blonde twin haired she  began to make excuses

This isn't what it looks like--"

"I get it" Erica cut her off

"He comes here, every morning at 7:15 to get coffee "

"For him and his wife"

"She's right Mary, this isn't for you to get involved in, he made his decision and it brokme your heart and as much as it pains me to say this I think you should stay away from him" The blonde women, who looked around twenty three says, before turning to Erica and introducing herself "Nice to meet you Sheriff, I'm Keira Paige and I am -- against my better judgement --friends with Gemma and this one here and I also own a tattoo shop down the road I believe I met your sister once before but we were never properly introduced as her and Gemma seemed to be in a heated discussion over the Zimmer twins"

Looking down Gemma felt tears sting her eyes but none seemed to notice as they were all too concerned with Mary Margret which perhaps was what she needed for now (although she didn't quite know why all she knew was that there was something telling her that something was off today) to be caught in the conversation but no-one really paying attention to her but instead paying attention to another soul, so she continued to silently listen to the conversation not making a single word

Erica raised her eyebrows but didn't comment as Mary Margret began to talk "You two are right, I know that...I just like to ... come here to see him"

"So you're a stalker?" Keira chuckled

Mary Margret rolled her eyes at her friend "No, not really" At her friends' pointed look she reconsiders her words and says "Well, maybe a little. I mean I do know that he spends his mornings with Kathryn, grabs a coffee from here, drives to the animal shelter to star work at seven thirty before going home at five"

"Oh is that all?" Erica scoffed

"On Thursday they also have Chinese for dinner" Mary Margret blurted out

"I know it can be hard after all he did break your heart and yet your still in love with him so maybe the first step of getting over him is not showing up here tomorrow?" Erica suggests and Keira nods her head in agreement

"Loves the worst" Mary Margret pouted "I wish there was a magic cure"

"Trust me" Erica nods "I know"

* * * * *

New York City. Then

Giselle's eyes fluttered open and she yawned a little before turning onto her side from her back only to be met with the welcoming dark eyes of Robert Phillips and as soon as she saw his face she found herself smiling softly in his direction, which makes the thirty year old man smile back as she reached out to touch his face gently and she runs her hands over the features that she had already familiarised herself with before speaking, her voice barely above a whisper  "Happy Anniversary baby"

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