'Never Should've Kissed Her' Magic And Music University Part 2

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(It's been a week or two so everyone is settled in at college including you the security guard! This chapter turned out very smexy but again there will be no lemons in this book )

(Your POV)

You yawned as you rounded the corner of another dark hall. Only a half hour longer and you could lock the school doors and go to your dorm and sleep. Why the teachers stayed so late in their offices was beyond you but here it was, 11:30 pm and you could see the lights we're on in various offices.

Maybe a bunch of these teachers were just procrastinators and so they had to stay late... or maybe it was whatever was secretly going on at this school...you dismissed.

There was no where you couldn't roam after ten o'clock so you wandered off to the pool just cause. The doors made a squeaky sound when you pushed them open and you raised your flashlight to see in the dark room.

The smell of chlorine filled your nose as you walked around the perimeter of the pool. You glanced up from the still water when you heard rustling. More noise came and you pinpointed it to the men's locker room.

Your eyes narrowed and you pushed the door open. No one was allowed in the locker room after ten pm, that's why you as a girl were allowed to go in there. Even still it felt morally wrong to walk about the men's locker room.

You walked quietly, listening for more noise. You did not expect to here a shower running and your heart fluttered as adrenaline shot through you. You grabbed a towel and walked near the running shower. Clearing your throat you sternly said

"Secruity, I'm gonna have to ask your name and what you're doing in here past hours"

There was only a chuckle and that made you angry.

"I'm not going to ask you again, it's a hour and a half past pool and locker room hours" you stated

You heard the water turn off and quickly shut your eyes before the curtain was pulled aside.

"I'm not nude and I'm not answering your questions" a deep voice said as a matter of fact

You opened your eyes to see Golden Freddy. His pale built was dripping wet along with the black boxers that hung low on his hips. You hesitantly tossed him a towel which he caught.

"What are you doing in here Golden Freddy,
answer me now and tomorrow's write up won't be so bad for you"

"I'll take your write up at its worst thanks" Golden Freddy spat

Your anger grew more but you didn't let it show. Goldie rubbed the towel against the back of his neck before throwing it right in your face. You let it drop to the floor and walked straight up to him, intending on escorting him back to his dorm so he wouldn't break any more rules.

You didn't get that far as Golden Freddy grabbed your wrists and pushed you into the wall of lockers. The impact didn't hurt that bad but his grip on your hands did.

You lifted your eyes to see Goldie staring at you coldly.

"You're such a joke y/n, I bet you can't even get free from my grip" Golden Freddy said, a smirk slowly forming on his lips

You began to struggle against him in attempt to prove him wrong and almost were free when he dug his nails into your skin.

"I'll write you down for violence acts!" you exclaimed through gritted teeth

It sounded more threatening in your head.
Goldie just laughed, his warm breath emitting on you.

"As I was saying, you only act the part. Take off your badge and clothes and all you are is someone who talks big for a girl who can't fight"

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