Satan is looking right back at you,babe

Start from the beginning

"Language Chris....I wanted to tell you on call but since he thought it would be wise to drop me home i thought why not -"

"TH..THis is...Chris..?" asked Zanviel

"Yeah i never specified if it was a he/she... you simply assumed... but what more can be expected from you..Three years ago you did the same as well...Some people never change ...ah and my crow nest...This is house." said Lily in the same calm tone Zanviel talked to her when they first met.

"You live here...where did you get the money?? how did... how... whom did you sleep wi-"

"Why are you so obsessed with sleeping with people huh?" asked Christy nearly pouncing on Zanviel with a fist, ready to punch him.

This earned a glare from Lily who immediately pulled her back and replied with fake anger as she was cheer-leading on the inside, but decided not to let her baby sister cuss,

"Miss Christina, I hope u will respect your values unlike the human in front of us...I've taught you some values i hope you will-"

"No Lils, not anymore, i saw you struggle these three years, i saw you cry,i saw you nearly getting raped in this sexist society i saw you break , i saw how the girls help  you, i saw how you became how you are now.. do you know how it feels to see someone you love break cry and even try to end their lives in front of you.. do you..i felt that and all because of this jerk!!!..all Lils did was love you and you.. you left her? was that so easy??.... " sighing she continued" Ever since we ran , and got practically disowned ,i've kept all these emotions bottledup , but not anymore You take a step towards my sister and i'll make a home-run shot with my baseball bat with you head as a ball, as it is empty and of House and now i swear to god Mr.Declan if you don't scram rn i will cut your balls and feed it to our guard dog."

"What do you mean by getting raped?"asked Zanviel who was feeling angry and overwhelmed after registering the new piece of information,

Both the sisters gave him a sarcastic laugh and Lily replied:

"Hah!! if you came to me that night .You would've known shit and now after three years you don't get to ask me shit. Anyway i granted two wishes of yours.You wanted to see my house ,you saw..not even m-....the Collin family have come past the  gates . you wanted to know who chris is, you can see my baby now... but i ain't no genie.So how about you repay by granting my one wish and you'd be surprised, because the wish is the same as yours...."

Lily said coming closer to Zanviel, she whispered  softly but loud enough for both, Christy and Zanviel to hear with nothing but venom in her voice,

"Scram...not just from here, from my life... you wanted us to ACT like we didn't know each other..let's do that..I'm sure you'd hate to be associated by a girl who claimed to be in love with you and what do u say...yean SLEPT with your elder brother.... i want you to act like it .. what did you say...uhmm "i don't want to be associated to you""

 she started going towards Christy and felt her wrist getting pulled  and Zanviel came closer and said,

"I told you... remember the devil is around... i told you i'll torture you.. now that i know where you live.. it has become easier...Lol you think you're smart...jokes on yo-"

Cristy picked up an iron pipe from the garden the were standing in and threw it towards Zanviel,dodging it he left Lily's hand and Christy started,

"No honey, jokes on you!You lost a gem , accused her for shit she idi'nt do, lost her...made her practically lose everything including her family and now you're standing on her ground, get your filthy hands off my sister and get lost ! it's really cute how you think you can come here as you wish, Even after what  u did three years ago?? brother ..not  anymore...GUARDS!!!!...JELLO!,ROCK!,MALLIE!!...COME HERE! TAKE THIS JERK OFF OUR GROUNDS!!!...... AND MAKE SURE HE NEVER COMES IN HERE,YOU'RE FREE TO USE YOUR GADGETS THE NEXT TIME HE'S HERE." yelled Christy

As soon as the guards came near Zanviel  he looked more irritated and confused than angry  he yelled,

"Don't you touch me, i can leave on my own...and i see the little kitten who ate lollies learnt to speak and cuss.....but i believe Lily can lie, You won't.....please..tell me ..Christina... what happened three years ago... why didn't lily come...i waited.. all night, made the whole crew stay the night...i despa-"

"That's something you should've thought before accusing my sister of sleeping with you brother Mr.Declan. And i hope you leave as you said."

Without a single word more, Zanviel walked towards his car and turned as he felt the gates close, he saw the sisters hug and Christy showed him the finger as Lily turned towards the house, to which he scoffed and laughed.

As soon as he entered the car he wondered, What actually happened that night?was i accusing the wrong person throughout the years?What happened to his little baby Christy who adored him and came running to hug his leg every time he came to the Collin Mansion to get lollies.

what the heck even happened? how the heck did they become like this?

then he received a message which shocked him,

"Funny how you thought, you keeping tracks on me will scare me,Jokes on you Zan, you can't do shit to meThank you for making me my strong self. If three years ago you did'nt accuse me for shit, leave me, break me and if my parents did'nt leave me i would'nt be who i am rn... you must be wondering what am i to be so proud so..the next part of the text will clear that.... and just as i stated my wish..i'm blocking this number,Knowing how stubborn you are i know you'll send me texts from other numbers waiting for me to react but trust me it will only ruin your chances to get in the LISTY Corp or as a matter of fact any other company. i hope after seeing my house you know why your CV got rejected thrice and why no other corporate let you intern in your first year..... what did you say..the devil has his eyes on me..Satan is looking right back at you babe,


Lils  "

What the-

So yes some parts have been revealed but let's see what happens next.

hope y'all are enjoying how the story is going.lemme know your views in the comments section .

Till next time babiess




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