Reversing The Snap

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(Year 2023)

(all the Avengers except Falcon arrive back in the year 2023)

Spider Man- Is everyone here

(Spider Man looks at Bucky and where Falcon should be standing)

Shuri- Bucky, where's Sam

(tears runs down Bucky's face as he falls to his knees)

Bucky- Dead

(Nick Fury and Spider Man lifts Bucky onto his feet)

He sacrificed himself for the damn stone

Nick Fury- What happened

Bucky- Me and Sam got to the point of where the Soul Stone was and then Red Skull came saying in order to get the Soul Stone a soul must replace it. It wouldn't work unless those two people had a strong bond like me and Sam. We we're like brothers until the end.

(Bucky slams his vibranium fist against the wall making some the wall fall to ground)

Nick Fury- He was a good soldier

Bucky- You don't get it Thanos was there

Quill- That's impossible

Bucky- If that's impossible then explain why Sam sacrificed himself by throwing himself off a damn cliff to save my fucken life from the purple jackass.

(Bucky wipes the tears from his eyes)

It should've been me who died, not him. I've done things that have left me scared both mentaly and fiscally. I've called people without a second thought in my mind. Sam and Steve I owe them for saving me from that torment within my head.

Spider Man- We'll find a way to bring him back

Quill- Sorry Spidey but that's impossible to do

Spider Man- What would know of that Quill

Quill- You can't bring Sam back by using the infinity stones. Thanos tried to bring Gamora back with them when he snapped but in the end he failed.

(Quill puts his hand on Bucky's shoulder)

We all lost something dear to us when Thanos snapped his fingers. Some more than others lost more than friends or family. They lost their way of living, they lost themselves.

Nick Fury- How are you even alive Quill

Quill- Long story short I've been in hiding for five years. Five years I tortured myself with regret for not being stronger back then. Not strong enough to save Gamora. I faked my own death so that I could disappear from everyone's life. I came back because there's a chance to bring back the fallen.

Nick Fury- Are you willing to join the Avengers

Quill- No, don't mistake me helping you guys for me wanting to join the Avengers. I'm helping because there's a chance to bring back The Fallen nothing more, nothing less.

Nick Fury- Shuri take the stones to the lab

(everyone puts the stones into a suitcase and Shuri takes it to the lab)

T'Challa- You made it back in one piece

Shuri- I told you I would brother

T'Challa- Indeed you did

(The Avengers including Quill watches as T'Challa moves the robots arms to put the stones carefully into vibranium gauntlet)

Now that the gauntlet is done, who will do the snap

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