Future and Past Collide

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(the portal closes as Doctor Strange walks through)

Nick Fury- Alright Avengers now that Strange is gone, there's a quick change I'm having us do. I will be going after Loki's Scepter instead of Wanda and Pietro.

Wanda- What will we be doing

Nick Fury- Wanda, I need you to do illusions so that Hill and Parker can get the Tesseract. Pietro I've got a special task for you.

Pietro- What is it

Nick Fury- You're the only one of us who can time travel without these fancy suits, so I need you to go into the future to warn the past versions of us about what is to come.

Pietro- I haven't ran that fast before

Nick Fury- You have to try

(Nick Fury pulls something out of his pocket)

Take this

(Nick Fury hands Pietro and energy bar)

You got to keep your strength up

Pietro- Thanks Fury

(Pietro eats the energy bar)

Not bad

(Pietro gets in a running position)

Pietro- See you guys back at base

Wanda- Be careful Pietro

Pietro- You to sis

(Pietro starts running at high speeds around the world until a time vortex opens and he dashes through it)

(Spider Man 2023 and Maria Hill 2023 crouches down behind the wall while on the other side of the wall Iron Man, Captain America, Black Widow, Hulk, Thor, and Hawkeye surrounds Loki)

Loki- If it's all the same to you I'll have that drink

(Hawkeye handcuffs Loki and then yanks him up off the ground as Black Widow hands Sitwell the Tesseract)

Maria Hill 2023- Alright Fury, Sitwell is making his way to the elevator now

Nick Fury 2023- Copy that, Hill

(Sitwell opens the elevator and walks in but before it closes Nick Fury walks into the elevator full Hydra Agents)

Sitwell- Fury this is quite the surprise

Nick Fury 2023- Well I just thought I'd take the elevator because taking the stairs takes too long. Anyways, I'll be taking Loki's Scepter with me when I get off because SHIELD just got word that someone might be trying to steal it.

Sitwell- That's news to me Fury

(Nick Fury 2023 yawns as he spots Rumlow slowing pull out his gun)

Nick Fury 2023- I wouldn't do that Rumlow

Rumlow- Do what

(Nick Fury 2023 says Hail Hydra to everyone in the elevator leaving them in shock as he walks out of the elevator with a smile on his face)

Nick Fury 2023- To easy

(Nick Fury 2023 than comes to a halt as he sees Nick Fury 2012)

Mother fucker

Nick Fury 2012- Well I be damn

(both Nick Fury 2023 and Nick Fury 2012 points their guns at each other)

Just who the hell do you think you are and why the hell do you look like me

Nick Fury 2023- That's classified information

Nick Fury 2012- Cut that bull shit

(both Nick Fury 2023 and Nick Fury 2012 shots a bullet and both of the bullets hits each other)

You're good

Nick Fury 2023- That's because I'm you mother fucker

Nick Fury 2012- Oh like I would believe that line of bull shit

(both of them shots at each other every time the bullets hits each other)

You have skill, I'll give you that. No one who has gone against me has ever hit all my bullets head on

Nick Fury 2023- This is a battle we can't win. We're evenly matched when it comes down to skill.

Nick Fury 2012- That's something we can agree on

(both Nick Fury 2023 and Nick Fury 2012 puts their guns away)

Alright if you are me then tell me something that I would only know

Nick Fury 2023- We lost our eye to a cat named Goose, which is also known as a Flerken

Nick Fury 2012- You've got to be me if you know that information. That brings me to my next question. Why are you here in the past?

Nick Fury 2023- Long story short Thanos won

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