The Plan Set In Motion

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(a hour later at Avengers Mansion)

Now that everyone is here let's start off with the different locations of the infinity stones. Strange you have the floor to explain where the stone you know is.

(Nick Fury sits in a chair next to Maria Hill as Doctor Strange stands up and walls over to the holoboard)

Doctor Strange- There are six infinity stones as you know. The Time Stone I believe can be located in New York City 2012. At that point in time The Ancient One would be the one who has the Time Stone. Loki care to explain where the other three are know are.

Loki- Of course

(Loki walks up to where Doctor Strange was standing as he sits down)

The Mind and Space Stones would also be in New York City 2012. I know this because I was there at the time. When we get there we will need to be fast and careful. We don't need to cause any unnecessary distractions.

Nick Fury- That leaves three stones in one place so we can get three of them with one shot. I like those odds very much.

Loki- For the Reality Stone that would be best to go to Asgard 2013 where during that time I was locked up in a holding cell thanks to the events of 2012.

Sif- You wouldn't have been locked up if you didn't attack New York

Loki- Yes thanks for adding that Sif anyways back to the task at hand. There are still the other two infinity stones that are at large.

Drax- The stones are not large they are small enough to put into a glove. Anyways Quill and Gamora talked about where they were before. I was invisible so I heard every word of what they said.

Loki- So the heroic idiot that sacrificed himself to kill Thanos and destroy a planet knew the location of Power Stone ah

(Drax stands up and pulls out his daggers)

Drax- What did you call Quill

(Groot and Mantis grabs a hold of Drax before he can lash at Loki)

Don't you ever call Quill an idiot (yells)

Mantis- Drax clam down

Drax- For once let me kill someone who calls Quill an idiot

Groot- I am Groot (It won't bring him back for the dead if you call someone for calling him an idiot, Drax)

Drax- Fine, the next person who calls Quill an idiot will die by my blade got it

Loki- So touchy about the subject of your friend's sacrifice

Nick Fury- Loki sit your ass down and Drax get up there and explain where the other stones are

(Loki sits and down as Drax gets up and walks to the board with a box of Bean Boozled in his hand)

Drax- Now for the last two stones locations

(Drax pulls a purple and a orange jelly bean for the box of Bean Boozled)

Imagine these two tasteful jelly beans are the stones. The purple one is the power stone that Quill held in his hand with the help me, Groot, Gamora, and Rocket against Ronan. The orange and best flavor vomit is the soul stone. Each are difficult to get but Quill got the power stone while Gamora knows where the soul stone is but does not dare to get it. First the power stone is on a planet called Morag and the soul stone is on a planet called Vormir. They of course are on the different planets in the same time period though it would need to be two groups to get the stones.

(Drax eats the Bean Boozled jelly beans)


Nick Fury- Any ideas why Gamora never decided to the soul stone

Drax- No

Nick Fury- If that's all the information that can provide then it's what we will have to deal do with

(Drax sits down as Nick Fury stands up and walks over to the board showing all the infinity stones)

We have our targets and now for the teams. Me, Maria Hill, and Spiderman will be going after the Space Stone. Sif, Wasp, and Loki will be going after the Reality Stone. Doctor Strange, Hank, and Ned you three got the Time Stone. For the Soul Stone Falcon and Bucky. Drax, Groot, and Shuri will be handling the Space Stone. For the Mind Stone..

(T'challa walks into the room)

T'Challa- You're not sending Shuri anywhere without me

Nick Fury- About time you showed up T'Challa

T'Challa- I only came because Shuri asked me to

Nick Fury- As I saying for the Mind Stone Wanda, and Quicksilver you three will be handling that

Mantis- You forgot me Fury

Nick Fury- Mantis, I need some to stay here for if something is to go wrong and T'Challa I would like you to stay here and help fix Vision

T'Challa- I told you I am going with Shuri

Shuri- Brother you are needed here

T'Challa- I can't allow to go, it's to dangerous

Shuri- If you are so worried about it being too dangerous for me then you should've never passed the mantle of Black Panther to me brother. This is our one and maybe only chance we will have to change what happened. You made a promise to M'Baku and you gave your word on it. Then you gave up two years later on your promise to him.

T'Challa- The event changed me

Shuri- It changed all of us and that's not an excuse. I'm going whether you like or not brother.

T'Challa- Just promise this one thing than

Shuri- What

T'Challa- You will come back alive

Shuri- I promise you I will

Nick Fury- Now that's all settled we have our groups. Everyone change into the suit and meet in the laboratory in ten.

(ten minutes later in the Avengers Laboratory)

Bucky- Five years ago we lost. We Lost Friends. We Lost Family. We Lost Part of Ourselves. Now is our chance to get it all back. One round each no do overs. Some of us are going somewhere we know and others somewhere we don't. If we lose all hope is lost, but if we succeed then everyone comes back. Let's go Avenge The Fallen.

Nick Fury- Well said soldier

(The Avengers activates their helmets)

Bucky- On three

Spiderman- Three

Bucky- Two

Loki- One

(all The Avengers presses the button on their suits sending them into the flow of Time)

Avengers: Avenge The FallenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon