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Peter- Why are we here Wanda

Wanda- Pietro said I would revive him

Peter- But why are we in Egypt

Wanda- I buried my brother in a pyramid

Peter- Why did you do that

Drax- Wait you injected your brother into the stones of these weird stone thingies

Peter- First they are called pyramids not stone thingies, second the pyramids are where ancient pharaohs were put in it. Traps were put inside the pyramids to protect their dead bodies from tomb robbers.

Drax- Why would someone want a smelly dead corpse unless it was to use as a trophy for defeating the enemy in battle

Peter- Tomb robbers wants the pharaohs's treasures

Drax- You mean like photos of their families

Wanda- He means gold

Drax- Gold, you mean soup

Wanda- No it's a type of metal that makes your rich

Drax- Oh like that stuff that Rocket steals

Wanda- Who's Rocket

Drax- A little raccoon as Quill called him

Peter- Wait a talking raccoon

Drax- Yes why are so surprised

Peter- Raccoons here don't talk here on earth

Drax- So wait you mean there are raccoons that talk hear

Peter- No

Wanda- We're here

Drax- So how do we get in

Wanda- There's a trick to it, one that I put personally so my Pierto's body would be protected from those who would seek to enter his tomb

(Wanda's hands starts to glow red as the ground begins to shake)

When I say run make sure you run

Peter- Alright

(the pyramid begins to left up from the ground)

Wanda- Not yet

Drax- How about now

Wanda- Not yet

(Wanda lifts the pyramid up a bit more revealing a entrance)

Now run (shouts)

(Drax and Peter dashes towards into the pyramid)

Peter- Wanda come on

(Wanda let's go of the pyramid and then teleports to Drax and Peter just as the pyramid hits the ground)

Peter- Talk about a close call

Drax- There was no one calling or I think not

Peter- Figment of speech Drax

(Drax gives Peter a confused look)

Wanda- This way

(Wanda leads Drax and Peter down a hallway and into a empty room)

There's a pattern here so follow my footsteps)

(Wanda step forward to her left then forward two and right three)

Drax- This is easy

(Drax steps forward right and before he can drop through the floor Peter pulls him back)

Avengers: Avenge The FallenWhere stories live. Discover now