End Chapter

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(New York City, three months later)

(Bucky walks up to a table that Nick Fury and Natasha Romanoff is sitting at)

Nick Fury- About time you got here. Take a seat and order something.

(Bucky sits down next to Natasha)

Bucky- What's this about Fury

Nick Fury- Can't a man just want to sit down and eat with some company

Bucky- With you that's never the case

(Nick Fury laughs)

Nick Fury- You know me well

(Nick Fury pushes a folder towards Bucky and Natasha)

Bucky- What's this

(Bucky opens the folder and sees a picture of a hydra symbol formed of fire)

Nick Fury- That was taken one month ago

(Bucky sees a picture of a corpse)

Natasha- Who's body is in the picture

(Nick Fury stops eating)

Nick Fury- T'Challa

Bucky- Why would Hydra attack Wakanda

Nick Fury- Every new solider gets a task. A man with his skills was tasked to do that.

Bucky- Who

Nick Fury- Take a look at the picture

(Bucky and Natasha looks at the picture of a man holding a shield with the hydra symbol on it making their eyes widen in shock)

Wether we like or not, Steve Rogers has gone rogue

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