The Return

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(Morag 2014)

Falcon- This is where we split ways for now

Shuri- Good luck

Bucky- Don't worry we'll be see you guys back at base

Shuri- Make sure you both do

(Shuri hugs Bucky and Falcon as Drax holds out a box of Bean Boozled)

Falcon- No thanks Drax

Drax- Oh come on, this is all good flavor edition

Falcon- He's a weird one right Groot

Groot- I am Groot (I'm use to his weirdness)

Drax- Suit yourself

(Drax pulls out a skunk spray flavored one and eats it)

That's a new one

Falcon- Ok I'm leaving now before I loss my lunch

(Falcon and Bucky gets into the ship and starts heading to Vormir)

Drax- What is something I said

Groot- I am Groot (Someone is landing nearby us)

Shuri- Everyone hide

(Mantis, Groot, Shuri, and Drax all hides behind some big rocks as a ship lands on the ground of Morag)

Drax- That ship it looks filmer

(the hatch of the ship opens and as a person dressed in a helmet, brown jacket, brown jeans, a white shirt with some words on it and black shoes walks down the ramp with a small music box on his hip)

Can it be it (excited)

(Drax stands up and dashes at the person as he yell in excitement "QUILL!!!!!!!!!")

Quill- Holy shit

(Drax tackles Quill and lifts up)

Drax- I knew you were not dead

(Drax puts his arms Quill tightening them around him)

Quill- I can't breath, I can't breath

Drax- Oh sorry

(Drax let's go of Quill allowing him to gasp for air)

(moments later Quill puts his hand up trying to catch his breath)

Quill- First off how do you know my name, and second who are you

Drax- Oh come on Quill, you know who I am

Quill- No I don't

Drax- Of course you do, it's me Drax

Quill- Ya I still don't know you

Drax- You sure

Quill- Ya, I'm pretty sure

Drax- This should jog your memory

(Drax slugs Quill in the face knocking him out)

I think I overdid it

Shuri- Ok, I'm not sure what to say about this

(Shuri grabs the map out of Quill pocket)

Groot- I am Groot (Should we just leave him like that)

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