I'm an ugly fish

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The next day

Tina's POV: 

I sat in the living room with Horace and Millard. They were both reading while I was listening to Hamilton on my AirPods. I found a way through my peculiarity on how to charge them. I lay on the floor while Millard was online couch reading Homer and Horace was on the other reading Austen and drinking tea. Emma and Olive walked in giggling when they almost stepped on me. 

"AH" screamed Olive

"Ah yes, my daily routine of scaring the crap out of people" I smiled as I said that thinking of the time I barked at someone who catcalled me. 

Emma laughed and so did Olive as they walked around me and sat next to Horace

"Birds! You almost made me drop my tea!"

"You almost made me drop my croissant!" I mocked, they all paused and the room was as quiet as if it were empty.

"I said tea, not croissant" he replied while rolling his eyes. 

"Oh, I know! It's something called a meme, you wouldn't understand it"

They all sat there looking at me weirdly but I just went back to listening to Hamilton. That's when Enoch finally came in and tripped over me. 

"UGH," he said as he fell over 

"Wh-why are you sitting there like that? You are sittin like an ugly fish!"

The girls gasped at his comment, Horace along with them. Millard put his bookmark in and closed the book a bit too harshly. I didn't understand why everyone looked so offended, he was telling the truth. Enoch shook his head and mumbled what I think was a sorry under his breath, the others didn't notice though. Once he left they all looked back at me as if I were a lost child who needed help.

"What he's telling the truth?" 

"TINA," they all said in unison 

A/n: sorry this is such a short chapter I'm in school right now and I really just wanted to update this story.

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