Dance pt.3

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(A/N In this chapter Tsukki radiates the same energy as my choir teacher in the way he dresses and I started to laugh in the middle of the school library.)

Yamaguchi's POV

I checked my notifications again.

It's already 6:55. Tsukki should be here already.

As if on cue I heard the doorbell ring. I jumped at the sudden noise and shot out of the chair I was sitting in. I smoothed out my dress and speed walked downstairs.

I opened the door to see Tsukki standing nervously on the porch.

"Hey, Yamaguchi." He greeted me.

I thought it was cute how Tsukki decided to dress for the dance. I had told him in advance what color I was wearing because he wanted to match. He had on forest green pants and a white button up shirt. His tie was also green with little T-rex's on it.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked.

I nodded and closed the door behind me. We were about halfway to the school when I heard someone do a cat-call. (A/N pspspspspsps) I looked around to see a group of high schoolers standing on the porch of one of the houses. They were all whispering to each other and staring at me. I felt a strong arm wrap around my shoulders. I looked up to see that Tsukki had pulled me to his side.

"This one's mine a*sholes." He growled.

The group of boys got scared and ran into the house they were standing in front of as quick as they could.

I didn't know Tsukki was so possessive.

"Thanks, Tsukki." I said. He nodded and said,

"Anything for you." I blushed and was surprised to see that he had as well.


We arrived at the gym the dance was being held in and walked inside. I was immediately hit with loud music and the smell of sweaty high schoolers. I didn't want to ruin Tsukki's night just because of my sensitive stomach so I put on a brave face and forced myself into the fray.

We had arrived a little late so the upbeat songs had already been played through. The sappy love songs were playing and it was cute to see all the couples dancing. I'm pretty sure I saw Suga and Daichi dancing together. I pointed them out to Tsukki and he smirked.

One of Tsukki's favorite songs must have come on because he asked me if I wanted to dance.

"Absolutely!" I replied.

He smiled and led me onto the dance floor.


The longer I was in the gym the worse the smell got. Soon it was overpowering and had to fight the urge to gag.

"Are you ok Yamaguchi?" I felt a hand rest on my shoulder. I looked to see Tsukki standing next to me with a concerned look on his face.

"Yeah, it's just the smell is messing with me." He nodded and said,

"Here, let's get you some fresh air."

He led me out of the gym and into the cool winter air. I took a few deep breaths and started to feel better. The whole time Tsukki was standing next to me.

"You're not going back in there. Do you want to go to the park or something?" He asked.

"Yeah, that would be nice." I replied. He took my hand in his and led me off school grounds.


We had decided that we would take a walk through the park and then Tsukki would drop me off at my house. It was almost 9:45 so there were only a few people out. With all the fallen leaves on the ground mixed with the twinkling stars it was truly a beautiful scene.

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