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(A/N So here's the verdict. School starts tomorrow and i'm only going to be able to write when I get home. (After 5 pm) so updates going forward might be a bit slower but I will do my best to post regularly!)

Suga POV

I woke up the next morning feeling strange, like I wasn't myself. I turned off my alarm and got up. My chest felt heavy and my hair was definitely longer. I felt shorter to. I walked into the bathroom and when I turned on the light I almost screamed.

I'm a girl?!

I rubbed my eyes and blinked a bunch.

Yep, definitely a girl.

Ok, You need to think rationally. You still have to go to school, so go get dressed.

Before I walked out of the bathroom I grabbed some bandages from the medicine cabinet and wrapped them around my chest.

I went to my closet and picked out the baggiest sweater that I owned. I put it on as well as some old jeans I found in the back of my drawers.

Before I went back into the bathroom I grabbed a ribbon that was on my desk and a beanie my dad had given to me forever ago. I brushed out my hair and tied it into a bun, then put it under the beanie. I looked at my reflection and decided I looked good enough. I grabbed my school bag and ran downstairs, saying a quick goodbye to my mother and running out before she could get a good look at me.


Ennoshita's POV

Beep Beep Beep

I tried to turn off my alarm but couldn't quite reach it. 

That's weird. I could normally reach my clock on the first try.

I sat up and my bangs feel in my eyes witch was strange because they weren't that long.

I managed to stumble into the bathroom and when I looked in the mirror I fell over.

I got up again, felt my face and yelled,


She came running up the stairs and when she walked into the bathroom she gasped.

"Chikara? Honey is that you?"

I nodded and looked at the ground.

"How did this happen?"

"I don't know! I just woke up like this!"

"Ok, well, you still have to go to school. Get some bandages and wrap them around your chest then wear a loose fitting shirt. Your hair is really almost like your normal hair so you don't have to hide it or anything."

"Thanks mom! I love you."

"Love you to, hun. Now get dressed. We don't want you to be late!"


(A/N I loved writing a supportive mother figure I stan.)

Once I was finished changing I walked downstairs and grabbed the piece of toast my mother had made for me and walked out the door. Today was certainly going to be an adventure.


Noya POV

I woke up and walked into the bathroom still half asleep. I reached up to the shelf to grab my hair brush but couldn't reach it. 

What!? I can reach this shelf though!

I turned to the mirror and if I wasn't awake before I certainly was now.

I had heard about this sort of stuff happening, but it only happened in movies and books, right?

Ok, so i'm a girl. I shouldn't tell anyone about this yet.

I quickly brushed my hair and teeth and grabbed a beanie to put my hair in. I grabbed a shirt that I had stolen from Asahi and put it on along with some jeans. I grabbed my backpack and stuffed my unfinished homework in it haphazardly.

I ran out out the door to my house as fast as I could and started to sprint down the street, trying not to let anyone get a good look at me.


Hinata POV

I woke up to not my alarm but Natsu shaking me awake.

"Wake up Shoyo! Your alarm is loud!"

"OK, OK i'm up!" My voice sounded higher than normal, but I didn't think anything of it.

I turned my alarm off and she walked out. I went to the bathroom and when I saw my reflection I almost jumped into the ceiling fan.

I'm a girl!?!

Ok, don't panic don't panic. What would Suga do?

I decided that he would go to school and cover it up, so I grabbed some of Natsu's hair clips and put them in my hair, getting it out of my face. I shoved my hair into a baseball cap for good measure and grabbed a shirt that was to big for me and slipped on some shorts. I picked up my bag and volleyball gear and ran out of my house. I grabbed my bike and pedaled away to school as quickly as I could.


Yamaguchi's POV

For the first time in a long time I got up before my alarm. I spit the hair out of my mouth and got up. Come to think of it my hair was longer than it normally was. I walked over to my bathroom mirror to see what had happened and let out a squeak.

What happened?! Why am I a girl?!

I pulled at a strand of hair to make sure I was really awake. I definitely was.

I found my emergency stash of hairbands and pulled my hair into a bun and slipped a hat over my head. I also grabbed some bandages and started to wrap them around my chest. I walked out and grabbed a shirt that Tsukki had left at my house. I pulled my volleyball jacket to cover it and pulled on some shorts as well. Speaking of Tsukki, I couldn't let him see me like this until the last second.


Hey Tsukki! I won't be able to walk with you today! I'm sorry! >-<

Tsukki~ 💖


I put my phone back into my bag and grabbed the previous nights homework. I grabbed a beanie and put it on my head for good measure. As I was leaving I took a piece of toast from the counter and walked out the door, totally forgetting that I would have to change for volleyball.


OK! Intro's done! I'm lowkey really exited to write this. There aren't enough genderbend Haikyuu stories out there.

The songs I put at the top are from my "Lonely and crying" playlist and they are mostly about un-returned love and changing yourself so someone will love you and that's the idea that this fic is based off of so yeah.

Well, have a nice day/night!

~Claire 💗

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