Asking pt.2

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Tsukishima's POV

Yamaguchi came out of the clubroom after Suga and walked over to me.

"Ready to go?" She asked.


We started to walk in the direction of our houses in a comfortable silence. Sometimes Yamaguchi would see something she liked and would smile.

Why is she so cute?

"Oh, what are you wearing to the dance. We need to match and I'm going shopping later tomorrow so I need to know what to get."

She turned to me with a confused look on her face.

"What are you talking about? Since when are we going to the dance together?"

I froze mid step and felt my eyes go wide. I whispered,

"I forgot to ask you."

She started to snicker and it soon turned into uncontrollable laughter. She fell to the ground while I just stood there with a blush on my face.

I started to walk away from this pit of embarrassment when I heard a voice cry out.

"Tsukiii don't leave! I want to go to the dance with you, ya' know."

I spun around so fast my glasses nearly fell off.


She nodded from the ground and I ran over to her, pulling her into a hug.

"Thank you thank you thank you."

"Tsukki, is there something wrong? You've been really nice lately."

I pulled back from the hug and blushed.

"Well, I wanted to be nicer so you wouldn't have second thoughts of going to the dance with me." I confessed.

She started uncontrollably laughing again while I just sat there like a schoolgirl with a crush.


Kageyama's POV

I saw Hinata walk out of the clubroom. I ran up to her and nervously tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around.

"Yeah, Bakayama?"

I took a deep breath.

"Well you know how they say that Disney world is the happiest place on earth?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, obviously no one has ever stood next to you."

She turned bright red and made small incomprehensible noises.

I laughed at her embarrassment and she hit me on the shoulder, trying to look mad. However it didn't have any effect since she was still red as a strawberry.

I took her hand and said,

"Walk with me."

I was sort of dragging her and every couple seconds she would ask where we were going. Each time I would reply with 'You'll see'.

Soon we came upon a small I-hop that was near the school.

"Kageyama, why did you drag me all the way here?"

"Well, I wanted to find out if you were more of a pancake or waffle person."

She smiled and I led her inside the restaurant.


An hour and 4 plates of waffles later we walked out of the restaurant.

"Well, thanks for the food Kageyama!" She smiled at me.

"Hey, Hinata?" I asked.

"Yeah? Wait, I swear if you use one more of those pickup lines-"

"No! I just wanted to ask if you wanted to go to the dance with me!" I blurted out.

Time stopped. She stopped.

You dumbass! You knew deep down she would say no!

My demeaning thoughts were cut short when I felt a pair of small arms wrap around me.

I looked down to see a very happy tangerine looking up at me.

"Don't worry Kageyama! I'll go with you!"

"Wait really?!" I asked in disbelief.

She nodded and smiled. Pure joy swelled up in my heart and I hugged Hinata back.


Asahi's POV

Everyone else on the team had already left and I was waiting outside the clubroom trying to build up the courage to ask Noya to the dance.

Ok you can do this. It's just a simple question. Nothing to it. And if she says no, it's not the worst thing in the world, right?

I was so caught up in my own thoughts that I didn't notice when Noya started to call my name.

"-ahi, Asahi! ASAHI!"

I let out a yelp and jumped.

"Asahi! Why do you ignore me like thisss." She pouted.

Well, it's now or never.

"Oh, sorry. I was just wondering if you wanted to go star-gazing with me." I looked at my feet, fearing her answer.

"Oh course I want to! Come on let's go!" She grabbed my hand and started to run out of the school grounds, dragging me behind her.


Soon we reached the top of the hill by the school. She leaned her bag up against the oak tree and stared upwards, her mouth slightly agape.

She slowly sat down on the grass, never taking her eyes off the sky.

I chuckled to myself and joined her on the grass.

We had been sitting there for a while when I really started to admire her features.

I noticed how the moonlight reflected off her hair and how the stars sparkled in her chocolate-brown eyes.

"H-hey, Noya?" I started to twiddle my thumbs.

She tore her eyes away from the sky.


"Wouldyouliketogotothedancewithme?" I blurted out in one long sentence.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" She asked, squinting her eyes.

I took a deep breath to calm my nerves and repeated the sentence.

"Would you like to go to the dance with me?"

She smiled so wide I thought her face would crack. Suddenly she lept at me and pulled me into a hug, knocking us both over.

"Yes yes yes! I will go with you!" She exclaimed, starting to laugh.

I laughed along with her and we stayed like that for a while, enjoying the night.



Also can you guys suggest some good iwaoi fics?

Have a nice day/night!


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