Chapter 28: Contemplation & Danger

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Of course, something was wrong. Which I tried to tell Xiang and Death as I showed them the letter. Seeing if we could all agree  to have Death and I go on a secret mission. Technically, I was Alpha, so I didn't need their approval. Regardless I wanted it, and honestly still questioned this Alpha status. Especially with something like this. 

Xiang spoke first at my request, "Yeona, the Kishi of the Mocamedis realm are not exactly fond of werewolves."

"But they don't hate us." Death noted. 

Xiang nodded. 

"And if Queen Aefre really needs help..." 

"Then we should do this, right Xiang?" I asked. 

Xiang gave me a small smile. 

"We should." Xiang confirmed.

Death commented, "It's the right thing, since she reached out to us and all." 

Death raised her hands up as she said this. I looked at both of them lift my hands up toward them, slightly moving them up and down for emphasis of our agreement. 

I tried not to smile at Xiang, but glancing at him and how I felt about his understanding, I couldn't help a flirtatious smirk. 

Xiang stepped toward me, but before he could get to me Death got between us, grabbing me and moving quickly. 

She yelled out, " We got to get packing and leave now! Queen Aefre needs us!" 

Leaving Xiang in the dust. A glare I could see in the distance, but a reassuring wave as well. 

We packed with fervor. 


Getting to the Mocamedis Realm was not the easiest of tasks. After cutting open a temporary portal, we would need to quietly travel by foot across quite a bit of ice cold sand in the late of night. Doing it during the heat of day wouldn't be so bad for myself, as I was used to heat being from Devaleon. Death on the other hand, was not, and the heat she claimed made her "grouchy". I didn't know what she meant by that, but I was not wanting to find out if I didn't have to. So we traveled by dark. Shifted in our wolf forms so we could walk on the sand more easy. 

My paws extended out with each step as a lit bit the earthy particles packed further into my toes. Surrounding like a rough sheet would, but silent still. 

I could hear even the scorpions scattering along. Not see them, but definitely listen to the sound of each litter patter of their legs. The walking must be far more taxing on those tiny creatures. 


We barely got those in Devaleon, yet all these other realms always seemed to have them. I would mind them less if they didn't make so much noise. 

Again I shook my ears trying to drown out the sound for at least a moment. 

A slight snorting sound released from Death's muzzle. I glanced back just enough to give her a snarl of my teeth. 

"What Death?" I beckoned. 

She grimaced, "You flip your ears around like a dog." 

At that point I almost snorted. Wishing she was a little closer so she could hear better the whine in my tone. 

"You're lucky we aren't in Devaleon, that's quite the insult." I noted. 

Death snickered, "'Tch, it's just as rude on Earth, and I meant it as such. It's so distracting." She then moved her ears around, mimicking me. Yet it didn't make the same noise. Her ears were a bit shorter than mine and couldn't capture the same sound. 

I complained, "And the bugs don't bother you?" Obviously that is why I was moving them. They were ridiculous. Even louder honestly than what I've heard before. Here or on Terra. 

Death was unfazed.

"Why are you a baby? Afraid-" She joked, but I stopped her with a short glare as glanced back. 

"No. The sound." I explained.


"Do you not hear them?" I clarified further. 

She let her paws hit the ground with a bit more strength. Shifting everything below with her movements. Like stones moving around underwater. 

"No, Yes of course I do, but that's just how it is. Bugs always make noise." 

Of course but it's still annoying! They are so tiny and move about always like its their last! I flipped my ears some more. Shaking my head hoping to drown out the sound. It didn't work. They  were too many of them flying around at once to get any relief, other than the little hints of the wind moving around. Almost seeming to scare the small creatures away. 

It was then I started to notice the sand moving in swirl slightly behind us. I couldn't help myself to question more. Curious. 

"You've never walked in the quiet of night without it?" 

"No." Death answered as she started to slow down. Distracted too now. 

"It's strange." I noted. 

"Well complete silence would be strange to me." She said. Nonchalant. Still slowing a bit more as she stared at the swirling sand in the distance. I slowed down with her. 

I pointed out, "We have wind." 

"The wind is loud on Devaleon?" 

Death completely stopped moving-her words coming out almost soulless. Enchanted. 

 I joked, "Is wind ever really quiet?"

A brush of wind slapped against the side of my face. Suddenly the swirling made sense. Sand storm. We needed to move quicker. I barked toward Death. She turned toward me out of her haze. I immediately took off. 

"I guess not." Death sighed. Then she kicked forward and ran quickly after where I was going. Her much longer legs than mine, moving in wider strides to try and keep up with my speed. 

Running through the night, a bit louder, but still not enough to warn any potential enemies. Especially with the sand storm getting more and more formed. Louder itself. 

For some reason, for a moment, as I saw more sand flutter up and twirl, I thought of him. Xiang. Was it the danger?  Or the way his arms strongly wrapped around me whenever he tried to greet me? Wrapping around me like this storm soon would be.

The wooshing sounds became overwhelming. Our running would only delay this battle, yet no one could truly fight nature. We needed to keep going.

Sand fluttered into my eyes. I stopped, blinking ravenously as weak tears puddled around my eyelids. The stinging only got worse. Almost like my eyes were being electrocuted. 

"Watch out Yeona! The sand's laced!"

"Too late." I barked once more.

With one quick motion I shifted everything but my front paws. More shocks wracked my body. I shoved my paws against my face, pressing against my stinging eyes.

Death screamed far too loud. Potentially revealing to all where we were, but I didn't care. I ignored everything, even the bugs fluttering away, as I braced myself.  I pushed my paws further into my eyes.

Then I clawed them out.

Death growled out in rage. I laughed as blindness took over. 

A little earth won't stop me, and if I stop with this storm. We will die. 

Plus it will heal eventually. 

Now, time to use a little forbidden magic, to save us both. 

Forgive me.

A/N: Hope you guys are enjoying! Sorry about the slow updates. Oof. I will keep doing my best and hope you guys do as well! Let's all try our best. ^^

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