Chapter 7: Brought to the Spotlight

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We come to a screeching halt outside about  60 houses down. Closer to the edge of the forest that surrounded the clan's domain. Leaves were falling from this area even though it was spring. It created a flurry of bright young green spinning around us like tornadoes. 

Two definitely not welcome werewolves from another clan stood just a hand's distance from me. I'd run into their path as they were attempting to wreck some destruction here. I thought Death had been trailing with me, but she hadn't caught up yet. Though I could hear her rushed angered footsteps quickly drawing near. 

One of them I would have needed to crane my neck to see, so I stared on at the shorter one. The deep fresh scar across his eye made it even easier to focus on him. 

The tall one tried to move forward but I kept my stance perfectly in his way. 

Suddenly I heard a subtle sound to my left. I concentrated my peripheral vision as I continued to stare down scarface. There in the corner of my eye Xiang stood over a dead man. A man killed so fast he was still twitching. The twitch, the noise which had attempted to distract me from this moment. 

A loud growl erupted from the tall one. The omega pull yanked against my insides like tumbling bricks. I shoved my nails into my palms and ignored it. 

Death finally reached us. Growling far louder than the tall one had. 

She practically yelled, "Do you dumbasses know which clan you're trespassing on?"

"They do." Xiang chimed in. 

Of course they do. It's the only place you'd smell so much Alpha besides the Kingdom on the great new year.

The pastel blue sky above us softened the scenery but aided to emphasize any blood around us. Which there already was quite a bit. I hadn't realized it at first but now became my main focus as I fought the pull. 

Focusing on the danger which was already here. The threat of these two already more than my rebellious nature could ever be. As a result, the pull subsided a bit. Easing up on the urge to shift and lower myself. No, with all of this anger my way I could easily snap back and barely make a dent in challenging. 

So I did. 

I lunged right at the scarred one who's hand quickly formed into a fist to punch me as soon as I reached him.  I let him punch me to quell the pull even more and then shot my grip right to his throat. Spitting a little blood in his face as I did so. 

He really had punched hard, but it was worth it to see the shocked look on his face as I threw him by the neck at a tree. He swiveled forward just enough for his feet to land on the bark instead of his back; breaking the tree as he did so and loosing his balance less than he would have otherwise. The tree snapped to the ground and his face thrashed against the jagged stump left behind. 

His eyes suddenly turned a bright auburn color. I knew he was going shift, but he was going a lot slower than normal. Shaking his face and stretching out his limbs with each moment of shifting. I turned to check nothing else was going on and found the tall one was already dead on the floor with Death nearby. Death who was suddenly running to me, fully shifted into a huge alpha wolf. 

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