Chapter 25: If Roses grew any Slower, the Thorns would be all that's Left

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A large rush of air pushes past my lips as I sigh in no particular direction. Walking slowly back home with Xiang. My arms are heavy yet my chest stays tight as I try to look onward and not at him. 

His little glances not going unnoticed.

Eyes like his beautifully catching my attention like a coin in the ground. So alluring. Though I could feel the stiffness in his steps. The way his shoulders and spine aligned ever so perfect and not tilted back in any manner, regardless of how casual his arms bent as his hands stayed tucked in their pockets. 

He's still got it on his mind. Admittedly I do as well. It's just weird that we both do. 

Thinking still of Elias. 

Words were hinted of a potential future war, yet of course our thoughts focused on the more selfish subject at hand. 

Xiang finally broke the tension, "You really need to get better at watching out for stalkers, " suddenly he smiles mid-speak, "who knows what kind of reptilian eyes might be following you."

I want to joke that his are the only ones currently, but my heart gets to the better of me. With the sky our only witness. Being around him more and more. I seem to be opening up.

Well open up or die, with all the fighting we could do. That's how it was with us it seems. A calm vast ocean, just waiting for waves to start rumbling. Waves to become storms. Good or bad, I guess it depends if our feelings are safe in the sky, or drowning below under it all. 

I wasn't sure for me, but his surely were high somewhere above my understanding. 

The way he waited patiently for my answer, all the proof I needed.

I questioned, now looking at his still curled lips, "Does it bother you?"

His smile quickly turned into a frown. Those captivating eyes stopping to focus on my throat, as my gaze stayed on his slightly down-turned lips.  With each step we made, we got closer and closer. My arm just barely in reach of his own now. 

Xiang spits, "If you're unsafe."

I grab his hand. 

"Next life don't make me Alpha." I spit back. 

He sighs, and my focus continues onto just him. My eyebrows furrowed in a glare as his fingers interlace into mine for just a moment, before we both let go. Only for him to move one hand to pulling my waist into him, halting our walking. His other hand behind my neck, tilting my lips toward his. He's staring so intensely my glare fades. The pull tickles below the surface, as I prepare to push him back, even though I don't want to push him at all right now. 

The emerald shade of love flashes against his aura once more. 

"Surely." Xiang answers. His lips just a stone's distance from mine. Again he's pushing it one step farther than I'm willing to admit. 

I drop my head against his chest. His hand goes to pulling my face back up, but as the pull presses down on me I pretend to swat at the air, hitting his hand back. At the same time I press one finger against his chest a pull my head back up, swinging it to the left, away from him. 

He still holds my waist, his grip a little tighter now, but not uncomfortably so. 

I change the subject. 

"It's our first Ally Xiang..." My face warms as I speak. 

"Hmm." He comments. 

"Maybe I can stop the inevitable after all." I whisper. 

My hand finally dropping from his chest, to against my against my own. Both my hands where there, pressed against each other and upward at the sky. Xiang speaks again. 

"You will," he says.  So close to my ear he's practically touching it. 

Suddenly I feel his lips against my cheek. Warm and smooth, distinct feeling on my now beyond heated skin. 

Slowly his lips leave me. Making the kiss last. My chest heats and relaxes in a way it hadn't in while. Xiang speaks again.

"we will. " 

I nod. Wrapping my arm around his waist now too. We keep walking, but our direction doesn't seem to reach the house just yet. 

All our focus stays on just holding each other. Letting the world slow down for a little longer.

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