Chapter 24: Blank and Bold

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I avoided everyone for most of the day. Not discussing future plans nor my current troubles. It was getting to all be too much. Xiang didn't take the hint and followed me from a safe distance. Pretending he was doing other things or watching the surroundings, but when I'd wandered into the mossy area of the border, on the edge of some rocks and wet dew dripping from a large cave, he still was around. No one really went to this side, so his intentions became quite obvious.

I kept shooting him glances but eventually gave up. To admit I was trying for some solo time would rise up more suspicion and I didn't want that either. More so, I honestly felt some relief by his presence. Though I couldn't come to him for any of this in a way that mattered.


Rather this awkward silence between us was all which could happen. He might like to open up his heart but he'll have to tear it from my lungs to get these words spoken. It was safer that way. 

Keep your enemies closer, and I was my own enemy. 

He was not. 

The dew dripping had left a false sense of wetness on the dirt below. The sun hadn't risen yet, but when it would the dirt would quickly dry. Just some feet outside the cave were the empty shells of some type of small animal. Making a tiny mass grave of the little creatures. I could see from the shadow more of them crawled out, following this wetness and beyond. Unaware that in just a short amount of time the sun would kill them too. They must have spent their whole lives in that abyss darkness only tempted by the lack of darkness out here. 

Not knowing the danger in following your hopes. 

Trying to accomplish what you need to get out. I could relate. I was always trying to get out. But I've seen my own danger. 

Forever I'll have to live with seeing her life fade away. With only me to blame. How could I have known I wasn't meant to be like my kind? I wasn't strong enough. 

But I had to be. Now that I was in this blasted light, burning away. I couldn't go back.  Though these little guys could; I just got to pick them up. It's not what they want, but I'd rather keep them safe. 

Safe like Elias would be. 

A second prince of dragons was akin to an untouchable force in most planets and realms. No one wanted to initiate war with them. Not even the dark angels above nor the Lycaetos who should be below. 

My eyes dart back at Xiang. He's glaring my way as I pick up one of the creatures. They're trying so hard to stay stuck to the fragile ground, not even squiggling back into their shell at the sight of me towering over them and pulling them up. Obviously they like danger too, regardless of what it will mean. 

Danger like Xiang. 

Certain death with this fearless fool. 

Kysian shitdogs I'm really as dumb as these little creatures aren't I?

I finally get the little one off the ground, it's long ears or eyes on it's head wiggle my way in indignation. It's soft brown color makes it look like a little rock with bloody spit attached to it. Kind of gross, but with those ears it's actually kind of cute. 

I stand and walk a few kilometers into the cave. Far enough that it can't come back before the sun arrives. I place him down, and walk back outside, carefully, to get another one. 

It proves to be just as rebellious. These squishy shield creatures really have no manners. Kind of fearless too. 

A chuckle escapes me.

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