You have the virus pt 2

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Jim Gordon

You woke up on a couch. You had a headache and you couldn't see anything for a few second. You sat up, but a few moments later to the room came Jim.

- No no no, you are staying there.- he said helping you lying down.

- What happened?- you asked. You couldn't remember anything.

- Well... Lee infected you with a virus.- now you remember. You felt guilty.

- I'm really sorry.- you said sitting up again.

- It's not your fault Y/N, that you had a virus.- he saidkissing your forehead.- now sleep, you should rest.

Bruce Wayne

You woke up in yours and Bruce's bedroom. When you walked down to the living room, you heard Alfred shouting at Bruce.

- Do you know what happened here?!- he shouted-  Your clone broke up with Y/N and then she was near the explosion.

You came in.

- Hello....- you said quietly. Bruce came to you and hug you.

- I am really sorry...

- It's fine.- you mumbled.

-But I could stop the explosion.- he said looking into your eyes.

- No Bruce, you can't. Because if you could, you would do it.- you said and smiled to him.

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