Chapter 8: Truth

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Chapter 8: Truth


Dear Diary,

It has been a long time, I know. It has been two days since Damon has killed my mother. I know it wasn't his fault but he still put the broken coat rack into her heart. I had just come back to consciousness when she said my name. It was the last thing she said before her body went limp. I thought that she would turn grey and become veiny like the rest of us vampires, but she didn't. Then I realized that she isn't like the rest of us vampires. I have never felt a greater loss then I do now. Not even when my whole family was slaughtered before my very eyes, because I knew that I would still have Jasmina. I haven't had the heart to bury her yet, so she is just lying in a coffin in the basement all dressed up. I haven't been outside of my room since, even though someone keeps leaving blood outside my door. Today I've decided to go see Katerina in the tomb. I have a few questions to ask her that I need answering.

~Lucinda Petrova

I closed my diary and put in it a shoebox. I then put the shoebox deep in the back of my closet on the top shelf.

While I was in there I grabbed a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, a white shirt with a heart in the middle and pink sleeves, and tan fringed boots.

I took a shower, brushed my teeth, put make-up on, and put my hair into a messy bun.

I made my way downstairs with my mom's keys in hand. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a blood bag out of the fridge and a glass out of the cabinet and set the blood bag on the table.

I went to the front room and poured bourbon in half of the glass.

I went back into the kitchen to pour blood in the rest of the glass, and threw it back like a shot.

"Ew." I heard Damon say from behind me.

"Don't knock it 'till you try it." I said with no emotion and without turning back to him.

I put the glass into the dishwasher and made my way to the front door. I past Damon and he let me go by without a word.

I got into my mom's car and drove into the woods. I drove a few miles away from where Fell's Church (A.K.A. the tomb) used to be.

I took my time and walked the rest of the way there from the car.

I heard the different songs of birds, the leaves blowing in the wind and the wind blowing through my hair. When I got close enough, I heard Jeremy just get off the phone with Elena, then he started running away from the tomb.

I waited a little bit before I walked to the tomb. As I got closer and closer to the tomb I could tell that something wasn't right.

I peeked into the tomb and I saw Stefan and Katerina. I walked to the entrance where I was seen by both of them.

"Stefan, what are you doing in there?" I asked him.

"He is trapped in here with me because he tried to stop me from killing baby Gilbert." Katerina replied.

My blood started to boil. I know that I hadn't had any contact with Jeremy since the night that I was captured, but that doesn't mean that I didn't still like and care for him.

"You." I said looking at her, "we need to talk."

''Fine. Let's talk."

Stefan went farther into the tomb and left Katerina and I to talk alone.

"So little cousin, what do you want to talk about?" She said sighing and examining her nails.

I just stared at her. How could she be so....cold? She is not the sweet loving carefree Katerina that I once knew and loved.

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