Chapter 4: Barbeque

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Chapter 4: Barbeque


I woke up to the birds chirping and the sun shining in my face. I look over to the clock on my night stand to see that it read 8:00AM.

The heat from the sun felt so nice that I didn't want to get up, but I had to. I sat straight up in my bed and stretched while yawning. I got out of the bed and walked into the bathroom.

I took a shower and brushed my teeth. After my shower, I walked back into my room with my hair and body wet.

I heard a knocking on the door to my room. "Come in," I said knowing that it was a vampire at the door. It was probably Luce. Instead, in walked Damon with a plate full of eggs, bacon, sausage, and toast with orange juice.

"Here. I thought you might be hungry," Damon said putting the food down on the coffee table next to the lounge chair.

"Thank you very much Damon. That was very kind of you to think of me like that," I said looking the delicious looking food.

Damon turned around and looked at me, but he wasn't just looking, it looked like he was taking me in. His eyes were pitch black and he had a look of lust on his face. I looked down and realized that I was still necked.

"Oh, sorry." I said while going into my closet to get my robe. I came back out with my silk robe tied around me.

"W-Would you like to come with me to a barbeque," Damon stammered while looking at the ground.

"Sure. Why not," I answered him. What else was I going to do sit around all day? I think not.

"Good. Well I'll leave you dressed," he said while staring at my legs.

"Thanks again for the breakfast Damon." I guess he took that as a hint to leave because he walked right out the door.

I went into my closet looking for something to wear. I put on my outfit for the day. I was wearing a hot pink tube top with leather tights, a leather jacket and hot pink pumps. I had on silver dangly earrings and a silver necklace with silver fangs on it.

I went back into the bathroom and up to my makeup section. I did a pink smokey eye and just left my hair naturally curly.

I took my plate off the coffee table and took it with me to the balcony. "Luce will join me on my balcony please I need to talk with you." I said in a monotone voice knowing that she would hear me. In less than five seconds she was at my side.

"I'm going to a barbeque with Damon and I would like for you to came along."

"Okay, I have no problem with that." There was a moment of silence, and it was very unlikely that Lucinda was ever quiet let alone silent. I turn my head to her to see that she is staring at me with a smug smile on her face.

"What," I asked confused.

"So Damon asked you to this barbeque huh?"

"Yes. So what, he was just being nice."

"Well to you it seems like he is being nice, but to me....he likes you."

"Are you still on this subject? Damon Salvatore does not like me." I said sighing.

"You say that now, but just wait and see. You guys are going to fall for each other. Even though I'm pretty sure that Damon has fallen for you already," she said nudging me. "You know what, I know that Damon likes you, but how do you feel about him?"

How do I feel about him?

I opened my mouth getting ready to say something just as Elena walked in. I immediately closed my mouth not wanting her to hear what I have to say.

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