Chapter 10: Witchy Witchy

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Chapter 10: Witchy Witchy


I wake up feeling warm sun rays on my face. I open my eyes only to squint at its brightness.

I sat up and groaned while I rubbed my eyes.

Then I remembered, someone was here last night.

I looked over next to me and I didn't see Jeremy. Maybe he's downstairs I thought.

I went into my bathroom. Brushed my teeth and washed my face. My hair was still in the messy bun that I put it in last night.

I grabbed my slippers, put them on my feet and walked outside my room.

Now I was determined to find out who came into my room last night.

But it had to have been Jeremy. No other person would dare come into my room without my permission.

I started to walk down the hallway to the stairs.

As I was passing the last room before the steps, someone opened the door and peeked out. I didn't pay any attention to them.

"Hello Luce." I heard a sweet English accented voice say.

As I started to respond, I stopped in my tracks.

Only one person calls me by that name, and I only know one person in Mystic Falls with an English accent.

I turned around ever so slowly. I walked back up the steps, one by one. As I reached the top of the stairs, I turned my head to the right, and there she was.

"Mother? Is that really you, or have I finally gone mad?" I asked just above a whisper.

"It's me Luce. I don't know how I'm alive, but it's me. I'm back."

I ran to give her a hug. I was in shock. How could she possibly be alive?

"Oh God I have missed you so much." I said squeezing her tightly.

"I know darling. I heard it in your voice when you were talking to me. You don't know how much I just wanted to get up and talk with you." She huffed.

I couldn't believe it, she was alive. There were so many questions going through my head that I wanted to ask her, but they would have to wait. Right now I had to get some blood into her.

"Come on you must be starving." I said while dragging her down the stairs. "Let's get you some blood."

As we started walking past the parlor, we saw everyone either sitting or standing.

"I actually already ate." She said absentmindedly while looking at everyone.

I looked inside the parlor as well. I looked around 'till my eyes landed on Jeremy sitting next to Bonnie.

I immediately saddened at the sight of this. If he was here, then how come he didn't come upstairs to say hi or something?


I saw every one of the supernatural gang all in the parlor, including Katerina. I walked in to make my presence known.

"Jasmina?" Elena questioned with an annoyingly curious look. When she said my name everyone turned to face me.

Stefan, who was sitting next to Elena, asked, "How are you alive?"

I sighed.

"I think that I have some explaining to do" I said. "I'll answer all of the questions that you guys asked me when we first got here then I will answer any other questions that you may have."

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