Chapter 3: Mystic Falls

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Chapter 3: Mystic Falls



We drove down the long road in Virginia. We are on our way to Maine for a little vacation from New Orleans. Lucinda needed this alone girl time away from all of the male testosterone at home.

A few more minutes down the road I see a sign that says 'Welcome to Mystic Falls'.

This little town of Mystic Falls seemed so familiar. Like I have been here before, but this is the first time that I've been here. Weird.

While driving through the little town, I see a place called the 'Mystic Grill.'

"Luce, do you want to stop for a drink or two?"

"Sure mum, as long as I actually get to drink something."

"Not a problem." I said smirking. She has been calling me mum ever since she was turned into a vampire. We have a mother daughter relationship as well as a best friend relationship.

I saw someone backing out of their spot right in the front. I sped up to park my Red Opel GT 2007 Sports Car Convertible Two-seat Roadster in that spot so no one else would. We got out of the car and headed into the Grill.

Luce and I walked into the Grill and sat at the bar. As I sat down, I took a look around the place. It wasn't full of people like I would expect it to be.

There was a group of people in a booth in the corner. They were talking about some party in two weeks.

There was a dark skinned witch, and I could feel the power radiating off of her. I know exactly what bloodline that power came from. She is a Bennett witch. Next to her was a blonde vampire. Across from them was another vampire and next to him was...

"Katerina?!?" I whispered surprised.

"What where?" Luce asked me. We haven't seen her since the 1970's. In 1864, she said that she had to take care of some business in Mystic Falls. She came back a year later and hung around. In 1972 she said that she had to find someone that meant a lot to her. We haven't seen her since.

"Sorry, false alarm Luce, she's human, listen to her heartbeat. Plus look at that necklace. You know Katerina never wears new jewelry unless at a party.  She must be Isobel's daughter so she has to be Katerina's doppelgänger, like you are mine." I said apologetically. "Maybe she will know where Katerina is. We have to get close to her, whatever it takes."

That necklace looked oddly familiar. I couldn't place it, but I knew that necklace.

We both turned around in our seats. The bartender asked us both what we would like to drink.

"Can I have two bourbon's please?" I asked the bartender rather politely. When he left a guy in a black leather jacket and raven black hair sat three stools down from me. He was obviously a vampire. The bartender came back with the drinks. I handed one to Luce and he asked to see some photo I.D from her.

"She doesn't need an I.D I am her mother and I give her permission to drink."

"I'm sorry ma'am but even if you allow her, she still isn't allowed to drink underage in this establishment."

Oh God I was really wishing that I wouldn't have to do this. "Please. I won't tell anyone I promise, only this one time" I half compelled him and half sweet talked him and he turned his back to us and walked away.

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