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"Come on Rebekah and Tatia that is enough flowers. We need to get back to the village," I said while trying to get them to stop picking the flowers.

We were picking flowers for Rebekah's family home. She is the only daughter of Lord Mikaelson. She said that she wanted to give them all an assortment of flowers.

'"Okay, okay, okay!" Rebekah replied. "I just wanted to pick flowers together. We haven't picked any together since we were little girls."

"I know...It is just that it is getting late and there is a full moon tonight. I do not want to be out when the men turn into beasts."

"Okay Jasmina. Let us go back to the house."

We started walking to the Mikaelson house.

When we got there Rebekah Tatia and I started decorating the house with the flowers that we picked.

"Rebekah, is there anyone you fancy," Tatia questioned while putting up a row of red roses along the wall.

You see Rebekah Tatia and I are quite close. When my family and I moved here, Rebekah was the first person to talk to Tatia and me. She was five and we were seven, even twelve years later we are all still the best of friends. Her parents, Fin and Henrik are like my second family. For some odd reason, I do not feel a family connection towards the rest of the Mikaelson's.

"Well....I do fancy someone," She said quietly while blushing and peeking a look at me.

"Well who is the lucky gentleman," I asked turning around. As soon as I said that she stopped smiling. "What is wrong? Is it something that I have said? I am sorry if I have made you upset, why-"

"Jasmina, what are you doing here," Kol asked startled interrupting me. "I thought you, Rebekah and Tatia were picking flowers?"

"We were but I saw it was getting late and I did not want to be out when the moon was up."

"Oh, well that makes sense. So what are you ladies talking about?"

"Nothing. We were just decorating the house in these flowers that we picked. My favorite is the row of pink roses," I said while admiring the flowers.

"They are lovely, just like you."

"Why thank you Kol. That was very sweet of you to say," I said. "Where are the rest of your brothers?"

"Well Fin is in the study, Elijah said he was going into the village, and I do not know where Niklaus and Henrik are."

"Oh, well it is getting late I do worry about them," I said while looking out of the window.

"Worry no longer I will go look for them!" Kol replied and with that he ran out the door.

"No Kol wait you shouldn't go out there..." As soon as I got outside I froze. "AHHHHH!!! WHAT HAPPENED?! HENRIK NO." I ran up to Henrik's body and clutched him in my arms. "Redde meum dilectum. Redde meum dilectum. Redde meum dilectum." I repeatedly whispered. It did not work. "No Henrik you cannot leave me. You are my only younger brother."

"Jasmina please...he is gone," Tatia said and put her hand on my shoulder.

"He can't be. Nik what happened," I growled setting Henrik down gently into the lap of his mother.

"Henrik wanted to go see the men turn into beasts and I did not want him to go alone so I went with him. We saw one turn close to us, and he heard us and attacked....I am so sorry I tried to save him but I was too late."

And with that I got up and walked away. I did not know what I was doing or where I was going. I did not have any emotion.

I heard some bushes rustling, and turned around to see Elijah.

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