Chapter 16: Rebekah, Damon, Hotels, OH MY!

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Chapter 16: Rebekah, Damon, Hotels, OH MY!


"Bekah." I gasped.

With my shaking hands, I reach out and cupped her cheek. I could feel a tear run down my cheek as I touched her.

"Who is Bekah?" Luce asked.

"A dear old friend." I responded as I felt Nik wipe the tear away before it could stain my cheek.

"Why is she like this? How is she like this?" I asked. Backing away from Nik slightly.

"I promise I didn't do this to hurt her. It was to save her from Mikael."

"You swear?" I asked him.

"Yes my love. I swear." He said and pecked my lips.

"I don't recognize her." Stefan said from behind us as I pulled the dagger out of her chest.

"Don't tell her that. Rebekah's temper's worse than mine." Nik informed him.

I chuckled at that.

"Maybe, but neither of your temper's is as bad as mine as I recall." I said as I turned to face Nik.

"Now, it's time to wake up Bekah." I said turning back to her.

Now all we had to do was sit back and wait for Bekah to awaken.


We had been waiting for Bekah to wake up for 2 ½ hours.

"Any day now, Rebekah. She's just being dramatic." Nik said

"Nik she's not waking up. You said that she would and that this was all to save her from Mikael, but Nik she is not waking up!" I said gradually getting louder with every word I said.

"Darling, maybe we should go back to Gloria's, get a drink and relax until Rebekah comes to." Nik suggested.

"Mum that seems like a great idea." Luce said as she encouraged me to stand up.

I stood and walked to one of the men standing guard.

As I was walking ahead, I could hear the boys having their own little side conversation.

"When Rebekah wakes up, tell her to meet us at Gloria's bar. Then volunteer your carotid artery and let her feed until you die." I told him.

He looked behind me instead of answering me right away. I turned to see who was behind me that he needed gawk at instead of responding to my order.

It was Nik.

I turn back around to the guard and grabbed him by his neck.

He made this gurgling/choking sound as I lifted him off the ground with ease.

"I gave you an order. That doesn't mean you look over my shoulder to my mate for approval, that means you respond in any way, shape, or form. Do you understand?"

This time he nodded his head without hesitation.

"Good." I said and dropped him and started walking ahead.

Nik caught up to me and was standing beside me.

"You're right. Your temper is much worse than mine and Rebekah's. My only question is why didn't you kill him?"

"Well if I did, then Rebekah wouldn't have anything to eat and I wouldn't do that to her after what looks to be a decade long rest."

I continued to walk ahead of the group, but continued to listen.

"Where are we going?" Stefan asked.

"You think I'm lying Stefan. We knew each other. You trusted me with one of your secrets." Nik responded.

By this time I was shutting the door to the passenger side of the car.

"And no I'm gonna prove it to you."

"How?" Stefan asked.

"Yeah I would like to know how too." Luce said behind me.

I jumped.

"Jesus Christ Luce. You scared me." I said grabbing my heart. "You can't just pop up out of nowhere like that."

"Oops sorry." She chuckled.

Nik and Stefan made their way into the car. And we were off.

We drove into town to get to Stefan's old apartment. It looked like any other old apartment building with bricks covering every inch of the outside.

We walked in and up to the second floor.

We walked down what seemed like a maze of corridors before we reached the apartment.

"What a charming little homestead" Luce said when we finally reached the door.

Just as I was reaching for the doorknob, I realized that there wasn't one.

I looked back at Stefan seeing if he knew anything about the missing knob, and seeing as he had a genuine look of confusion on his face, I took it that he did not.

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