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Ughh, my head. I have the taste of blood in my mouth. Shit. I open my eyes and I'm upside down.

"Fuck, I think my arm is broken. You okay, bro?"

"Ugh, I don't know. My head is banging. Where's Freya?"

"I...I don't know. I don't see her. Gia?"

"Shit, they aren't here. Help me to get the fuck out!"

"Chill man, I'm doing my best."

"If I unbuckle myself, I'll fall."

I do it and I land on my head. God damn it. This isn't happening! Where's my girl? I crush the window and drawl out. Shit, my head is spinning. I hear a car pull over.


"Right here!"

I hear footsteps and Kian comes down to the ditch and helps my brothers out.

"Where's Gia?"

"They're missing, Her and Freya."

"What?!Is my daughter missing?"

"Yeah....I'm sorry. They rammed us of the road."

"Ivan fucking Moretto! I'm going to have his balls on a plate! He better not touch her!"

"If he does. He's dead."

"Dad is calling."

"Answer him. Tell him everything."

My head is spinning and I have to sit down. God damn, that fucking Moretto!



My eyes flicker as I try to open them. My head hurts, my whole body aches. I don't even know of I'm alive. I hear a muffled sound. I open my eyes and see Gia tied up to a bed, she's crying. I can't move, I can't even talk. My eyes close, I'm so tired. I pass out.

I wake up and cough, someone is throwing water on me. I open my eyes and see, Melanie.

"What the fuck?"

"Hello there, princess. God, you look awful. Good thing that you're about to be offed. I can't stand to look at you stupid face anymore."

"What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"Well, I'm tired of standing in your shadow and I guess your dear mother sold you to Ivan. You don't belong to Antonio. Now you have a new guy and I'm going to make Antonio mine."

I laugh.

"He wouldn't touch you, even if you paid him to. He hates your guts."

Melanie throws her head back and laugh her evil witch laugh.

"Yeah, you can believe that if you want but he will love me. Fuck me hard and never give you a second thought."

Now it's my turn to laugh.

"Oh my god! You really believe that, don't you?"

"Of course I do. I'm way hotter then you and I promise I can make him cum like he never have before."

The door swings open and that slimy Ivan Moretto enter the room, or basement? I don't know.

"Hey beautiful."

"Fuck you!"

"mmm, feisty!"

"Want me to gag her?"

"No, I want you to leave."

Melanie rolls her eyes.

"What about her?"

Melanie points at Gia. I look at her. Shit. Something bad is about to happen.

"Let her be. I'll give her to Marko. He have a thing for redheads."

"Don't fucking touch her!"

He back hands me across my face. He hit like a bitch. I don't even flinch. I'm use to be slapped. My mom did it daily.

"Give him a call."


"Yes. Now."

Melanie pick up her phone and call that Marko guy. I hear Gia cry. I don't. I never cry when I'm in a serious situation.

"You look like you like being slapped?"

"Fuck you! He's coming for you."

"Who? Little Lucci? Nah, I really don't think he cares."

Melanie and a guy walks down the stairs. I'm guessing that's Marko. He looks mean, He looks like the hulk. He walks towards Gia and lick his lips and rub his hands together. I close my eyes. I can't watch this.

"Oh no baby. You watch."

"No please. Don't touch her. Please."

"Shut up, or I'll shut you up!"

He takes of his clothes and starts to rip Gia's clothes of. I try my hardest to get free. He can't touch her. I'd never forgive myself for bringing her out for shopping today. He crawls over her, rip her panties to shreds. I feel one of my hands comes free, I see a knife on the table in front of me. I reach for it and throw it.

"Ughh!! What the fuck?!"

Marko falls to the ground and before I know it Ivan hits me in the back of my head. I'm out. It's all darkness now.



We're back at my parents home. I'm pacing. I'm worried sick. He better not touch her or Gia! I feel sick to my stomach.

"Breath son, we're going to find them."

"Yeah but what if she's dead when I get there? I can't handle that. She's my everything."

My father pat me on my shoulder.

"I know. Let's just have some faith. Her phone is tracked, right?"


"Mike's working on it. He have his laptop with him. I'm sure he'll have a location soon."


I run my hands through my hair. Shit, I'm so stressed. It's gonna be a massacre if he killed her. I can't believe that Adele would sell her own daughter after taking her away from this kind of life in the first place. Maybe she had a deal with the Moretto's all along? But I'm going to have my girl back. Even if it's the last thing I'll do in this life.



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