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~~ FREYA ~~

When I wake up, I noticed that Antonio isn't in here but I feel someone beside me. I turn around and see Nico. He's still asleep.

"Hey buddy."

I stroke his cheek and he slowly opens his eyes.

"Hey. Your friend killed my Raf."

My tears start to flow.

"I know buddy. I'm so sorry. She isn't my friend anymore tho. She wanted to take Antonio from me."

"She's a bitch, right?"

I smirk and chuckle.

"Yeah, but you're not suppose to know that word."

He giggles.

"I know but my brothers say them all the time."

"I'm sure they do, but it's a bad word."

"Okay. I won't say it again."

"That's good."

"Can we eat something?"

"Yeah, sure. Come on."

We head downstairs and Rafael isn't on the kitchen island anymore. Gabby stood by the stove and cook. She cries.


She turns around and when she sees me, she starts to sob.

"Hey sweetie. You okay?"

"No. I'm not."

She nods, like she understands what I'm talking about. Maybe she does, I wouldn't know.

"How are you holding up?"

"I don't know. Life must go on. I know what happens in this life style. I just never thought that my own son would be killed. It hurts in the most cruellest way."

"I can't even imagen how that would hurt. I'm so sorry. I feel like this is all my fault."

Gabby frowns.

"Why would it be your fault?"

"Cause I asked Gia to go and do some shopping. They followed us around at the mall. We called Antonio, they picked us up. Then they rammed Antonio's car of the road, snatched me and Gia. They came to save us, if we hadn't went shopping in the first place, this wouldn't have happened."

"No, sweetie. Don't think like that. You didn't know and Rafael and his brothers are well aware about this lifestyle. They all know how bad things can get."

"Yeah, but it still feels shitty."

"I understand where this is coming from but no one here holds any grudges."

I nod and bite the inside of my cheek as my tears begin to flow.

"Ohh, sweetie, come here."

She hold out her arms and I walk into her motherly embrace and cry my heart out. It doesn't seem to end. They just keep coming.

"Schhh...everything is going to be alright. Antonio really loves you. We all do."



I get up from the gym and head upstairs to my room. Nico is sitting on my bed. He looks sad, he's still hugging Rafael's shirt. I know that they were close. Rafael were the goofy one and he always made time for Nico. To play games or just talking. They were pretty much inseparable.

You belong to meOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz