Ignatz X Fem!Reader

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Dedicated to: @TheOneWeirdOtaku

"UGH!!" I yelled at the sky. Today I was having the worst day ever. I could not focus in class, I could not socialize, and Byleth still hasn't got back to me about switching houses to the Golden Deer. But worst of all someone is on the verge to discovering my crush. I looked at my best friend Linhardt. He smiled at me as I waved back. He then continued what he was doing. "Hey Y/n!" 'Oh no. He cannot be here. Linhardt is right there!' I panicked. "Hey. Didn't you say we were going to paint today?" He said quietly. 'I DID!? This day cannot get any worse.' I thought as I turned to see Linhardt. He wasn't noticing us talking but I didn't want to risk it. "Ya! Let's go!" I grabbed his arm and started running. "W-WHOA!" He yelled as he almost fell over multiple times. "WhErE aRe We GoInG!?" He asked while be flailed all over the Monastery. I finally stopped at the fishing pond. "Huh?" He said finally pulling his glasses up to see. "A-ah the pond. That's a great idea. I can paint you sitting at the edge of the pond!" He said excitedly. I blushed but got ahold of myself fast. "Y/n you're so beautiful." Ignatz said. I turned around swiftly and he blushed. "WITH THE FOUNTAINS AROMA ON YOU!!" He corrected himself. I sighed as I posed.

I felt like I was there for hours. I kept staring at the sunset hoping for a chance that Ignatz may actually like me. But why would that happen? We're friends... nothing more. "Ok Y/n, it's finished." Ignatz yelled. I got up and stretched a little before running over to him. I looked at it... it was amazing. "W-wow..." I was astonished. "Do you like it?" Ignatz asked. "Of course I do!" I said happily. I looked at the sky. "It's getting late. We should call it a night." I said yawning. "O-oh yes of course." He chuckled a bit embarrassed at how long he kept me here. "Well I'll see you maybe tomorrow?" He asked. I giggled a bit. "Definitely." As he left I turned towards the dining hall. "So. It's Ignatz huh." "AHHHHH!!!" I screamed. "Well now I'm definitely awake." He said sarcastically. "But your crush is without a doubt, Ignatz." I paused. "Ah. Your silence speaks volume." Linhardt said. "Ugh. Damnit!!" I cursed at myself. "How long were you standing there!?" I asked him curiously and disgusted a little. "The whole time." He chuckled to himself. "Didn't you have some business or napping to take care of!?" I asked now very disgusted. "Well yes. But now I have some drama." I looked at him with sharp and angry eyes. "Don't get so defensive I want to help." "You want to help me?" I laughed. "You're kidding right!?" "Well normally I'd just go tell everyone but you ARE my best friend so I'm not going to." "Oh thank the goddess." I said wiping the sweat off my forehead. "But I do want you to confess to him." He said after a while. "What!? No!" I said now getting really hot. "Or I can tell everyone about your little crush on him." I looked at him confused. "Are you blackmailing me!?" "In a word yes. But I also want what's best for your future so no and yes." He said. "Well I could tell everyone about your crush on Caspar!!" I said mocking him. "W-what!?" He shook himself. "Don't turn this around!! You are ruining Cleo's ideas for another story!" "Does that really matter!?" "Meet me here at two tomorrow. We're gonna make you confess." He yawned. "Now I'm going to go sleep on my plans for you two." He said walking off towards the dorms. After processing all that just happened I walked to the dorms. I took a bath and then went to sleep.

I woke up on Sunday and got ready for what Linhardt had planned. I put on my uniform and went to his room first thing. I knocked and waited. After no reply I knocked again louder. With no reply I screamed his name. "LINHARDT!!!" I yelled. Everyone in there rooms groaned and started opening there doors. Linhardts door opened and I pushed him in and slammed the door. "Well you learned your lesson. Ignatz is coming around the pond at 2:30 let's prepare." After we talked and ate and had a good time before we realized it was 1:30. "Oh dear. Here put on this fancy uniform." Linhardt said in a rush. He turned and I started changing. 'Wait. This is so weird.' I thought while doing my shirt. After I finished and said he could turn in a millisecond he turned. "OMG YAS SISTER!!!" He said with all the emotion his body could take. It was 2 by then. "Ok... let's go." Linhardt said. When we go there Ignatz was already waiting. "Huh?" I asked him but Linhardt was gone. 'Was he even behind me!?' I thought before walking over to Ignatz. "Ignatz." "Oh Y/n. You look lovely." Ignatz was wearing a nice leather suit. I blushed from the near sight of it. "Ignatz I-" "Don't say it. I know." He handed me the most beautiful roses and I blushed madly. "Please..." This time I cut him off. "Be my boyfriend!" I asked. I squeezed my eyes. "Yes of course!" He said. We heard clapping in the distance as the whole academy was there staring.

The Painting:
After the war Ignatz and Y/n married and became knights. Even though Ignatz wanted to become a knight he chose painting which soon set his sights on the Imperial Capital. Ignatz moves in with Y/n to work towards painting and painted the imperial Capital. Y/n and Ignatz had one kid named Tommy but the painting at the pond always stood up at there home.

Time Skip to 2021:

"And that's the story between my great x13 Grandparents." Star said. He looked back at the painting of his Great x 13 Grandmother. "Wow." The reporter said. "This is one of the last painting still intact by Ignatz." "And what happened to Linhardt?" The reporter asked. "That's another story for another time." Star said as he saw his boyfriend, Levi enter the museum.

Published: 9/3/20

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