Edelgard X Male!Commoner!Reader

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Hi! This is dedicated to @Deadmonk98206

I woke up to a cold breeze coming through my window. I shivered at it and tried to close the window. When I tried the window fell off its socket and fell. "Ugh." I said to myself. '"We try to not to discriminate between Commoner and Noble" my butt.' I thought as I looked at everything. 'The living conditions are worse than at home.' I thought as I looked at my broken bed, broken chair, my desk which needed a new paint job, and my door knob which was almost impossible to open, and then back to my window. "Ugh, better put in another maintenance duty that they will never get too." I said as I almost broke down my door trying to open it. I went outside to meet Dorothea who was trying to stretch but looked really uncomfortable. "Hey, Dori." I said walking over to her. "Hey, Y/n. My bed has been killing me lately. My spine feels so weird." She said stretching again. I heard it snap and she jolted back up. "All better." She giggled "My window broke this morning and I feel like ice." I complained as she looked at me with a worried look. Ashe and Mercedes walked over to us and also started complaining. Mercedes tried to be happy but she knew she couldn't fool us. Raphael and Ignatz came next and also started blabbering. "ENOUGH!!" I finally shouted. "How about we all go to Seteth. He can't say no then." I said reassuring everyone. They all cheered and we went to his office.

When we got there, the repair crew had already left with Claude to go fix something in his room. Claude smirked at me as he continued walking. We got to Seteth's office and knocked. He opened and gave a look of disgust. "What do you kids want? I'm very busy." He said trying to hide his awareness of our problem. "Mr. Seteth." Ashe began "We believe we have been given less than fair treatment and would like our rooms fixed." Mercedes continued trying to act stern. Seteth chuckled. "I really don't have time for this the repair crew already went to paint Claudes room. I'm sorry." He laughed and slammed the door. "Well it was worth a shot." Ignatz said sadly. Seteth opened the door slightly again. "Oh, and if you try and tell anyone that would care... you will be permanently removed from the Monastery." He said chuckling to himself more as he shut the door. Raphael sighed, putting his arm around Ignatz leaving. Ashe looked at Mercedes like he couldn't go on. "Let's go have tea Ashe. That will keep our nerves down." Mercedes said leaving with Ashe. "Goodbye, Y/n. And good luck tonight..." Dorothea said leaving. I immediately went to the library hoping to dive myself into a good book.

I did exactly that, letting no one bother me. "Y/n?... Y/n!?... Y/N!!!" I heard someone say. I look up to see Edelgard and Hubert. "O-oh... My apologies Lady Edelgard." I said waking up from my fantasy. "I-I was wondering if I could discuss something at your place." She said. Seteth's words echoed through my head. "I-I'm sorry Lady Edelgard but my rooms a huge mess. I wouldn't want to trouble you. "Oh please, Y/n. You're such an (organized/........organized) person." She said. "Please Lady Edelgard, I would rather we not." Hubert rolled his eyes and smirked. "Lady Edelgard is not asking." He hissed. I frowned. "Is there something wrong with having it in your room?" She said worriedly. "Um.... we can't talk here. How about my room." I said before leaving. She knocked at my door later that evening and I opened it. She was shocked. "Y-Y/n, how has this happened. Seteth and the repair crew always fix my quarters first thing. "That's because you're a princess." I said bluntly. She looked at me, her expression looking... pleased? "Are you happy because of my pain!?" I almost yelled at her. Her expression came to reality and went sad. "My apologies, my mind was somewhere else." She sighed. "How about you can sleep in my room. I know it's weird but it's better than sleeping in this dump." She said. I grabbed what was left of my things and without hesitation we snuck up the stairs to her room. "Are you sure Hubert will approve this?" I asked as I gently shut her door. "No." She smiled. "Well I guess it's what you get for being a Commoner." I sighed. "You're wrong. We're all people which in my opinion is good for something." She said sternly. I blushed slightly. She was really cute when she was trying to be tough. As the sun set behind her it made her hair look more radiant.
"It's getting late. We should try this out tonight and see what happens." I said as we slipped into our sleeping clothes without the other one looking. We both climbed into the bed and went to sleep.

"N-no! -F-father! NO!!!" I woke up to the screaming and looked next to me. Edelgard was sweating sitting up. "Lady Edelgard! Are you alright." I said wrapping an arm around her shoulder. Her sweat turned into tears as I heard her sobbing into my arm. "Edelgard... what's wrong?" I asked pulling her chin up to look me in the eyes. "I-it's." She explained everything.
A/n: I'm not spoiling the Edelgard support conversations. But if you do play Black Eagles PLEASE do them through B. You can thank me later.
"Oh my goddess. Edelgard. I-I'm so sorry." "Which is why I can't stay silent anymore." I heard her say. She wrapped her hands around my face and kissed me. "I-I like you s-so... um." I cut her off grabbing her hands. "I like you too Edelgard." She hugged me and I waited till she fell asleep. "I will never let you go." I said just before falling asleep.

Crimson Passion:
As the years grew on Edelgard became Adrestia's new leader. She conquered Fodlin with her husband Y/n. Even though Hubert did not approve and The Black Eagles likes teasing them and putting them in awkward situations they still grew up to be happy and had two kids. Ionius and Laura. After Edelgard grew sick Y/n found Lysithea who also had the same disease. Y/n and Linhardt worked on a cure for so long. They cured Edelgard but Lysithea sadly perished. The burial was sad but thoughtful when they realized she had a kid with Claude. They decided to take her in knowing Claude was in Almyra. They decided to name her Lysithea as a tribute and they lived happily ever after. At least until Claude found out about the kid.

So hi. I'm not dead. So my little brother wanted me to tell you that him and a couple friends started a YouTube Channel. Yay😰.

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Published: 5/22/20

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