Claude X Paranoid!Male!Reader: Misunderstanding

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You were running through a forest, lance in your hand as you ran to Claude. His caring arm extended. You kept running not wanting to let your leader/crush down. As you grab his hand his eyes open as you feel his hand shaking. You look down at his chest. A dagger! You looked behind him. A red haired girl started laughing manically as he fell to the ground.


You woke up shaking and sweating as you got off of your yellow bed. You grabbed your robes and went outside to the library. "Hey (Y/N), what's wrong? you look pale." "EEK!!!" You turned around sweat leaving your face. Claude looked concerned as he looked at you. "(Y/N), shouldn't you be in bed?" "Oh I uh... couldn't sleep." I said trying to cover up my nightmare as I walked into the library. I pick out a book and look at what Claude was doing. "Poison?" I whispered to myself. I looked at the recipe now curious about what it was. "The poison to bring out your worst nightmare in dreams." I thought about it and then thought about my dream. "The tea I drank with him yesterday. Oh gods! Did he poison me?" I stare at the papers and back away. "(Y/N)?..." Claude stares at my terrified face. "(Y/N) it's not what it looks like." "Really!?" I shot back "It looks like you've been experimenting with poison! Have you put that in me?!" I stepped back. "No, (Y/N) I-I would never. Your a very important part of my house." He tried to get close to me but I moved away. "Don't come over here. You poisoned me!" "Just because you had a nightmare and we had tea doesn't mean I poisoned you." "Bye Claude I'll see you in the morning." I grabbed my books and left. Claude grabbed my shoulder but I brushed it off and left. That night I went to sleep studying on the Magic, Death.


I woke up and immediately started thinking about Claude. Why would he be studying poison? I thought to myself while I got ready for class. I got my books a went to Professor Byleth's class. I sat down in my seat and started studying again until a certain someone came over. "(Y/N) c'mon can you do something other than studying." Claude said as he wrapped a arm around me. "Go away Claude." I said blushing slightly. "I don't want your poison in me again." "(Y/N) for the last time I didn't give it to you and I wasn't looking for a nightmare poison." "Then what was in that book. Hm? A nightmare poison?" I said angrily "I was looking on how to avoid a Nightmare Poison!" He said arm tightly around my shoulder. "W-whatever!" I said crossing my arms. "Plus, we have a mission to the Sealed Forest." Claude whispered in my ear. "But, Lady Rhea said that our mission is to relax. The knights can handle it." I said "(Y/N), our enemy has revealed themselves. This is our one chance of defeating... Monica." Monica? That named sounded familiar. I thought "Hey, (Y/N) let's go! Claude said releasing his grip on my shoulder and grabbing my hand. Once Claude and Lady Rhea gave the all clear we went to the Sealed Forest. The only bad part about this was that the Sealed Forest looked exactly like my dream. I shuddered at the thought. Before I knew it we were facing Monica in battle or really Kronya but she changed back into Monica for the fight. Who knows why. After the fight I had a lot of bruises from Kronya and Claude reached his hand out for me. I gasped in horror at what he did. I grabbed his hand and then pushed him out of the way. I looked around... no Kronya. "What was that for!?" Claude asked as he ran back up to me. For um..... grabbing my hand during class. Y'know how many germs I could have gotten." I couldn't be weak in front of Claude. After the whole fight and Byleth's transformation everything changed but Claude and I are the same. He still bugged me about different poisons and I didn't want to try them due to the fact that I was scared he would try to kill me. I would still have nightmares of Claude dying in horrible ways but still kept my pride. Until one day.

"Hey Claude." I said out of the blue. "Do you like anyone?" I ask timidly. "Why of course I do! Everyone does in one point of their lives." He responded cheerfully. "Oh" I said what if it's not me? What if he's not gay or bi or etc. what if he hates me? I thought of all of the questions flooding through my mind that he noticed a blush when I was thinking. "I'm going to guess you have feelings for me, eh (Y/N)" he said as calm as he could be. I stared at him not wanting to respond until he broke the silence. (Y/N), would you be my boyfriend. Now if you don't like me I'm sor-" I put a finger over his mouth. "You didn't even let me respond! I yelled. But yes, I would love to!! I said "Just we're going to have to keep it a secret due to the Nintendo gods watching over us. They want me straight" he winked. I laughed it had to be a joke. Right? I yawned at the thought. "Oh?" Claude said "Is it past little (Y/N) bedtime?~" Claude said winking again. Claude then pulled me away from where we were and brought me to his room. "All your bruises are bad (Y/N). Let me take care of you until your better." He said happily and calm. Claude and I both took off our shirts and he pulled me in bed. I rested my head on his chest and started to drift off. It was so warm. "Your bruises aren't the only reason I've brought you here. I can hear your nightmares and thought I could help. That's also the reason I was in the library. I was looking for a sleep remedy and when tea didn't work I decided I had to go to extreme measures to get my little Owl to sleep better." He said I looked up at him. I was so stupid to be so mean to him in the library all those nights ago. He was trying to help me! "I-I'm so sorry Claude." I said sleepily.  You didn't know." He said and before I drifted off in his arms I heard him say "it just was a big Misunderstanding."

(A/N): that was fun. I love Claude and their needs to be even more fanfic of him. Am I right!?

Published 3/5/20

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