Dimitri X Shy!Fem!Reader

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You wake up at another day at Garreg Mach Monastery. "(Y/N)! Get up!! We're going to be late for class." "Huh?" I said "(Y/N), cmon. It's Dimitri." Dimitri!? I thought. I quickly got dressed and opened the door. "Ah, (Y/N) cmon now Professor Byleth is waiting." He said cheerfully "Oh... ok your highness." Dimitri looked back at me. "(Y/N) how many times do I have to say it. Dimitri is just fine." "Ok..." I said yawning. After we got to class Dimitri left me for Sylvain, Felix, and Ingrid. Not that I cared. I couldn't even go over there to talk. I'm what Professor Hannaman calls a "introvert." I stare up at the ceiling of the Blue Lions class room until Annette and Mercedes came over to me. "Hey, (Y/N) how's your morning?" Annette said cheerfully. "Fine... Thank you." "Oh, is our little (Y/N) having love issues?" Mercedes teased sitting down next to me. "N-no!" I said more loudly as I should of. I hurried my face into a book and Mercedes giggled. They weren't wrong. Dimitri was so strong, selfless, and caring. "Well anyway." Annette quickly tries to change the subject. Annette knew of my little crush on Dimitri because of the game of Truth or Dare I played with her and her boyfriend, Felix. "Did you hear that next week will be the week we go to the Holy Tomb with the Professor and Lady Rhea." Annette continued. "Oh! I had almost forgot!" Mercedes said shocked at her own brain. I smirked at Annette who looked behind me and gasped. I turned around and looked in horror as Dimitri comes crashing into me, Felix following. "You don't get to talk about Glenn like that Boar!!" He said as he grabbed Dimitri's collar. "Felix. Calm down your hurting (Y/N)!!" Annette and Dimitri both said. Mercedes and Annette trying to pull Felix off of Dimitri as Ingrid and Sylvain came to help. "Felix!! Stop this!!" Annette yelled as she continued to get Felix off of Dimitri and (Y/N). At this time Ashe and Dedue just walked in and started to help as they finally got Felix off. Dimitri got up and then continued to help me up. "Are you ok, (Y/N)?" Dimitri asked with a blush. "Y-yes... of course." I said as I looked away. "Um... class is starting. You should go." "Ah... of course." Dimitri said hastily and then went back to his seat. At this time Professor Byleth came in and looked around at the seated students. "This never happens... what happened?" He continued as he saw Felix and Dimitri's bruises. Class stayed the same with Dimitri, Ashe, and Ingrid answering questions correctly. Annette getting half right and the rest of us barely participating. Class then ended and I went to the dining hall and sat on the end of the table away from the Blue Lions. Dedue and Ashe sat with me having mini tickle fights and arguments. Serios only knows why they aren't a couple. I giggled at the thought when Sylvain came over and put his arm around my shoulder. Ashe and Dedue stopped and to me everything went silent as Sylvain was about to pull a pick up line. I stared and stared and stared... nothing he just stared and stared and stared. "Sylvain." Dimitri said sternly. "Stop bothering our dear old (Y/N)! He said. Sylvain rolled his eyes and left as Dimitri came over and sat next to me. "Are you ok, (Y/N)?" Dimitri said "yea..." I said timidly. Ashe smiled at me and Dimitri and Dimitri smirked at me and I hugged him... it was VERY embarrassing. I could feel Dimitri's heart race and I blushed. "I-I'm sorry!" I said and ran off without eating. Before I knew it the monthly mission was upon us and so was the Flame Emperor. The worst part was when the Flame Emperor was unmasked.

It was Edelgard!! I couldn't believe my eyes and neither could Dimitri. "IS THIS SOME KIND OF TWISTED JOKE." Dimitri yelled. I couldn't bare to watch what he did. Annette and I cried into Mercedes' shoulder. Dedue covered Ashe's eyes and held him tight. Felix stood in triumph and Sylvain and Ingrid watched in horror as Dimitri... brutally killed Imperial Soldiers. I couldn't believe the two things that happened the groans and snarls Dimitri made as he killed Imperial Soldiers. The same Dimitri that comforted me and walked me to the Officers Academy. Edelgard retreated with Hubert and we were left with a crazed Dimitri screaming at the sky. Mercedes let go of Annette and I and I stared at Dimitri. The blood on his face and clothes. His crazed eyes and his bloody lance. I couldn't bare to even look at Dimitri. After the Holy Tomb and Edelgard declared war I didn't come out of my room. Everyone of the Blue Lions even Professor Byleth came to give me food, water, and emotional support. No, Dimitri though for two weeks. I woke up from my bed to see Dimitri standing above me. "Good morning. Hurry up and get dressed we can't start the meeting to kill Edelgard without you." Dimitri pulled me up and got my uniform out and then left the room. I put on my uniform and then slipped back into bed. Sure I trained in my room but today I wasn't feeling it. "(Y/N). Get up!!! We're going to be late for school!!" My heart sunk at those words. "I'm not coming out..." I said and slid into my covers. My door barged open and Dimitri pulled my covers off of me to see my terrified face. "LETS GO (Y/N)" Dimitri yelled Annette and Felix ran in the room to see Dimitri looming over my crying face. "Your Highness! Stop!! She's been through enough." Dimitri turned around and grabbed Annette which made Felix go insane as he kicked Dimitri so hard he flew into my wall. Felix grabbed Annette off the floor and motioned for me. Dimitri got up and started bawling. I didn't know what to do...

Route 1: Friendship
I ran to Felix's side and left Dimitri in my room. He almost killed Annette. He doesn't deserve love and he doesn't deserve me. Annette comforted me as I started crying even more. "You can't love the boar! He'll kill anyone in his way." Felix yelled. I spent the rest of my life by Annette and Felix's side. I found a husband and we lived in House Fraldarious with Annette and Felix with our kids forever.

Route 2: Monster Love
I ran to Dimitri's side. Felix looked at me with disgust as he left with Annette in his arms. "I-I love you." Dimitri said "I just want her head." "I know" I said "we'll kill her together." Dimitri and I spent the rest of our lives after Edelgard. Dimitri and I had 3 kids and after the war and Dimitri becoming sane again we made our way back to Fargeous to be the rulers with our kids until the end of time.

Hey everyone so I think this turned out great and I'm so sorry for the gore but it was necessary because of the cutscene with Dimitri.
The inspiration is from Fire Emblem Heroes. I just got Dimitri 😆

Anyway, don't be shy for requests... you can do it!
Published: 3/9/20

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