12. Truth

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"Why did you take my car to school for chrissakes Ginger?"

This came from an exasperated Drew after apparently looking for me in school the whole day without spotting me anywhere.
So now we were back in the house, kitchen to be precise and Drew had offered to help me prepare today's dinner.

"I'm s..sorry Drew, b..but I needed to get to school early to get something done."

"What thing?" he questioned.

I bit my lip hard and tried to come up with a reasonable enough excuse. My hand went up in my small afro to scratch a sudden itch and then I sideway glanced at Drew only to find him watching me.

"You are about to lie to me." he observed.

"Wh..what? I wasn't-"

"Come on Ginger, sixteen years of knowing you."

I avoided his gaze and decided to tell the truth, half of it anyway.

"I.. I wanted to paint off some dirty words Lucca and his friends s..sprayed on my friends locker, it was hurting her and she didn't deserve it. S..So now I think it would have been better had I not done a thing to begin with cuz now she's m..mad at me for meddling."

Drew stopped slicing the bell peppers he was working on and put a hand on my shoulder.

"I know we make fun of you all the time to the point of actually being hostile, but what we don't tell you is that you have such a good soul nobody deserves you. And don't worry about this friend of yours, she'll come around. What's her name?"

"Thanks Drew, and her name's Glenda. Glenda Reeves."

"Glenda." He let the name slowly roll off this tongue. "I've heard a thing or two about her. Wow, Lucca really doesn't like her."

"Yeah and is there a ch..chance you would know why?"  I was suddenly hopeful, maybe Drew would finally shed some light on the subject.

"No I don't know why, I don't usually meddle in sophomore business. Though the few times Lucca's mentioned her it's followed by the word 'slut' or 'home wrecking whore' and I have no idea what all that is about. Now that I know she's your friend, I'm sorry."

I nodded. I looked at Drew in puzzlement and imagined how wrong all this conversation would have gone had I stolen Dane's car to begin with.

Who knew? Maybe Drew was my favorite sibling yet.

The next morning I texted Juanita to pick me from my house and she was surprisingly more that excited about it seeing as I had snapped at her the previous day. We drove silently the first ten minutes before I broke it and apologised.

"I'm really s..sorry I snapped at you yesterday, I was in a really bad p..place, I kind of still am."

"You want to talk about it?" Juanita offered.

"No, I'm still n..not recovered."

"Tell me this at least, is it about Glenda?"

I nodded once, "yes." then we drove the rest of the way to school in silence.

I avoided Glenda throughout the day, switching hallways whenever I'd see her coming through, being the first out of any class that we shared soon at it was over, avoiding the washrooms at all costs and literally ducking behind other people to hide herself from her view. It wasn't easy, but it was almost lunch time and our paths had not crossed. I wanted to give her as much time as she would need to set aside what I had done and get me in her good graces again.

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