3. Innocent

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Entry 1:
16th January

She was watching me. She has been doing that since the day I ran out of class and she followed me into the bathrooms. What was wrong with her? She was certainly not in the long list of bullies waiting in line to make my life miserable but neither was she the rescuer. I pinned my gaze on her once she looked at me willing her to look away first and she eventually did seeming surprised that I was the one watching her.
Before she could glance back at me again because I knew she would, I picked up my tray and left my usual lone table in a hurry to join my next class Biology which was the only lesson I liked before I missed the other two that would follow. Nobody would notice. Nobody ever did. She soon walked in and sat at a corner at the far end of the class and Miss Kathy followed suit. This time round I didn't bother asking questions in class. It would only earn me more bullies than I already had. Instead I tried my best to listen to every word she said which was almost hopeless with all the Whispering the students were doing and Miss Kathy doing absolutely nothing to stop it. I took down notes like I usually did knowing fully well that I wouldn't read them until my next break tomorrow. I couldn't read at home - if you could call that Foster house a home at all.

Class ended soon, too soon, and I was the first one out of my seat ready to leave school till the following day. I didn't care that my next two classes History and Gym had gone unrecorded for the last two weeks. They could survive the next two or three or however long it would take for me to do what I did after school. I grabbed my bicycle from the parking lot, jumped on it and cycled home fast. I was already late for work and my boss, Ted wouldn't take too kindly to it. In such cases he made me work extra time. At the house, I took my shoes off at the door and proceeded to creep in, hoping against hope that my foster dad wasn't in.

I winced noticeably when I saw him seated at the couch facing directly at the door his eyes on me. With his left hand he motioned for me to go over to him and patted on his lap for me to sit. I obeyed. There was always consequences when I did not. They were usually so bad I spent nights crying and having nightmares... when I could sleep.
He raised his hand and traced my lower lip with his thumb.

"How's my girl?" he asked, his hand trailing on my jaw, down my throat and further until he stopped where the strap of my top met my chest, then he went to my hair and grabbed a handful of it.

I groaned.

"I'm okay daddy."

"Late for work again?"

"I couldn't miss class, my teachers will start asking questions."

His fist tightened in my hair and I bit my lip to stop from crying out. "And what will you say when they do? "

Tears strung From the corners of my eyes. "That I'm sick I have a condition that needs me to be checking with my doctor each afternoon. "

He let go of my hair and traced my lips again . " That's my girl now go get my money. "

He pushed me off him and slapped my buttocks once I was up. I ran all the way to my room, the one I shared with my foster sister who had left with foster mom a week ago for some trip and wouldn't be back till the end of summer. I grabbed my purse and rushed off to work, an underground club in Eastlands that promoted the illegal working of underage youths in turn for cash and small favors like being treated to some good dinner at a fancy restaurant by a 'generous' Tycoon.
One would be surprised at the number of important people that showed up at this club just to get some 'fresh young meat'. At the entrance, a bouncer showed me to a room where I would get tonight's costumes -or the lack of it- for my dance of guest entertainment. I rushed in the direction he had shown me before Ted could walk in and find me unchanged.
At a couch in the room I found a pair of red lingerie: a strapless Lacy see-through bra that was too small for my chest, that was the point of it all to have my boobs speaking at the top and an equally thin thong that only covered a small portion of my upper inner thighs. Beside them was a half black mask like the ones worn in masquerade parties and I wondered what its purpose was since whoever I'd be dancing for would ask me to take it off anyway. I just finished changing when Ted walked in with glee in his every feature.

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