Chapter 15

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"D-dad?" I asked.
"Yes, honey! And I see you have lost some weight!"
"Yeah... You did." Mom butt in.
"I-I just got so sick that I lost weight..." I fibbed.
"Honey? You were sick?" Dad babied.
"Stop calling me 'honey' I'm 14."
And I hardly know you anymore. I thought.
"Already? Wow! It's been a while! Mind giving your old pops a hug?"
"No thanks."
I walked in to my closet room and locked it, I heard my dad say something about me from outside.
"She's on her period."
I slapped my forehead, I wasn't. I hate it when people think I am, but I'm not.
"No I'm not!!" I shouted from inside.
"Sorry, sorry, sorry!!"

I finally came out of my room after about two hours of sleeping, seeing my dad and mom gone, but Jennifer was sitting on the couch, alone, staring in to the blank wall where our T.V. used to be.
"J-Jennifer? Where are mom and dad? Where's the T.V.?" I asked.
"Mom and dad went to get job. They sold T.V. to neighbors."
"How much did they get?"
She just shrugged and went back to staring at the wall like she's possessed.
"What's wrong?" I inquired.
"I miss Ginger Puppy."
Ginger Puppy was a show on T.V. that played almost everyday. Jennifer had always wanted a dog but then Ginger Puppy came in to her life and it was like that was her dog.
"You can watch it on YouTube."
"No Wi-Fi."
Wow, this kid knows about that already?
"Sorry kiddo, looks like you'll have to go for a while without Ginger Puppy."
Jennifer's frown got even worse and she started crying so I ran over and hugged her.
"Hey, hey. It's going to be okay." I cooed.
"No it's not!" She cried even louder and the tears were heavy. They rolled off her cheeks fast.
"You have me, and mommy and daddy now! It's going to be okay. Okay?"
"I want Ginger Puppy."
"I know. But I also know that you're a strong girl. Now, can we do something together?"
"Y-yeah.." Jennifer stopped crying and wiped her tears.
"Hide and seek."
We used to play that everyday until I went to my new school.
"S-sure! Who's it?"
"You!" She giggled and ran away.
"1, 2, 3....."

After 15 rounds of hide-and-go-seek, Jennifer finally got tired and went to mom's room to sleep. I sighed and sat down on the kitchen table, when there was a knock. I went over and opened it.
"Hey, honey, where's Jennifer?"
"Okay, good."
"So, want to go shopping with your dad again?" Dad asked.
I shook my head. I didn't want to go. I didn't want to waste money.
"Aww, okay. Maybe next time!"
I tried to smile but I'd look like an idiot so I didn't. Somebody knocked on the door so I opened it.
"Hi!" It was Cole. My smile grew a bit too much.
"Hey Cole."
"So I was wondering if you wanted to hang? Oh and here's a little gift." He pulled out a cute, small, white teddy bear. It was as big as my pinky, but it was adorable.
"Aww, thanks."
Mom stomped up to me before I could take the bear.
"Excuse me... Cole.." Then closed the door.
"Why is he here? What is your relationship with him? Is he your boyfriend? What are you guys going to do?"
"He's my friend..."
"He's cool, mom. Remember, he kept me at the hospital. I'm fine."
"You don't know what he will do!"
"No, I don't but I can trust him!
"What if he hurts you?! And that looked like drugs!!"
"He wont!! And it's not!!"
I was practically screaming now. Mom sighed and grabbed my wrist.
"Don't talk back to me. You are staying here. And you are absolutely not going to talk to that boy again."
"It was just a teddy bear!!"
"I saw a drug container!"
"You were far away, plus, you need glasses!"
"I know what I saw. Now go to your room. If I see you with that boy again, you're switching schools."
"That's not fair!!!" I shouted and stomped to my room, teary eyed. I loved Cole. Wait... Yeah... I do. I love him. I closed the door, then locked it, leaning my head against the wall. Tears streamed down my face and all I wanted to do was to kiss Cole. And to be in his arms.
Right now. Forever.
"Hey, Cole. Actually, Bailey isn't feeling well at the moment. She doesn't want to hang out with you anymore." I heard mom apologize.
"W-wait, what? Really? Bailey said that?"
I got up, angrily to storm out and tell him that I'd rather die then say that, but I remembered. I'd have to move schools. It was better to see him at school then not see him at all.
"Yeah.. I'm sorry. She told me. She's gay."
Ugh!! No! I am straight and I love Cole so much!
"Wait, what? No... But... I love her.."
"I'm afraid she wont love you back. She isn't interested and you are too clingy, she said."
I held my breath and I sobbed, lying down. Now Cole thinks I'm gay. What if he stops loving me because he knows he has no chance with me?
"C-can I at least say good bye to her?"
Hope filled my heart.
"I'm afraid not."
Then my dreams were crushed.
"Can you tell her I'm sorry?"
"Sure, now please go."
I made faint noises when I cried, I tried to keep myself from making any noise but when I did that, I sounded ridiculous.
"Wasn't that a bit too harsh? I mean, Bailey seemed like she liked him and now you just shoo him away?" I heard dad.
"It's for her own good."
How is this going to benefit me?? At all? How...? My eyes were tired and I missed Cole so much. My heart felt like it was being crushed and I felt empty.
My eyes started to close but I couldn't breathe well. I don't know if it was my imagination or not but I heard Cole scream,
"I love you Bailey! Even if you don't love me back, you are my fire! And a sun cannot shine without it's flame!"

A/N: OMG TMANBSBSKBDNLASKAKS I'M FANGIRLING TO MY OWN STORY!! Haha, okay. I love the quote I made up at the end it just makes me burst. I hope this doesn't offend anyone, I don't hate gays, they are still people who have done nothing wrong. They are the same as straight people and deserve the same respect and love. Bailey cried, not because it's offensive, but because she thinks Cole will stop loving her because he knows he doesn't have a chance. Thanks for the support guys💕

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