Chapter 30

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I bit my lip nervously and avoided eye contact. It would have made me ten times sadder.
"Wait... Why?" He asked.
"My aunt lives in a big home. We're going to stay there until we have enough money to move."
"Why don't you stay?"
"Because... My parents found a job. If the boss accepts their resume, we're moving."
"So there's a chance that you'll be staying?"
"Very small.."
"On the bright side, I'm getting a phone. And I write stories on Wattpad."
"What's it about."
"... Us...."
Even though I couldn't see his face, I could immediately tell he was smiling.
"What's it called?"
"Uh... I haven't made a permanent title, but, Cole & Bailey.."
"What about Bailey & Cole?"
The sound of that made me happy.
"Yeah... Bailey & Cole."
"Our life is kind of like a story."
"Yeah. Not every story has a happy ending. Especially ours."
"Not every story has a sad ending either. Like ours."
"But what if I do move."
"Many stories have a happy middle, don't they?"
"But they don't last. And I move."
I lifted my head and looked at him.
"Your story will have a happy ending. You'll fall in love again."
"I wont. Not as much as you."
"You would. Remember how much of a jerk I was to you?"
"That was the past."
"If you do move...." Cole wiped his eyes, "it's probably because God's found a better guy for you. Someone who deserves you."
"... Cole... Let's say I do get a happy ending... But what about you?"
"I'll be spending the rest of my life thinking about you."
I rolled my eyes. He could be so cheesy sometimes and I loved that about him.

* * * *

That night I imagined it. I lied in my room and closed my eyes. I imagined Cole and I getting married. The day of our wedding. But I couldn't imagine it. All I could imagine was me crying alone. Suddenly, my dad's voice from outside interrupted my day dreaming.
"Dear! Come over here! I think I've got a response from the business!"

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