03 | tables had turned

Start from the beginning

The sound of my phone vibrating pulled my attention away from the class. I took it from the pocket of my slacks, glancing at who it was from.


Change of plan liubimiy. You can't come to mine tonight.


I wasn't planning on coming anyway.


You're funny.

I still want you to meet Yohan. We've changed our location. I'll come to your house and drag your ass there if you don't show up.

I looked at the message in distaste. So the person she had been talking about earlier today was none other than Yohan. He didn't sound as if he was worth my time.


What makes you think I give a crap about what you want?

She was typing. She stopped. She was typing again.


10 pm. I'll send the address.

I tensed my jaw before locking my phone.

It buzzed again.


Oh, baby, you're gonna leave me on read?


I can see you're reading this.


It's been two minutes.

I'm expecting a paragraph.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance. Talisa was getting way out of her head. She needed to rein herself in if she didn't want to set herself up for defeat.

You know she doesn't care about causing her ruination.

But neither did I.

We both shared the same attraction for desolation and that seemed to be the very thread that seamed us together by the tips of our icy fingers. That emptiness was the needle that drew us together.

The only difference between us two was that I had the ability and willingness to cut that thread with the snip of a scissor if I felt the need to whilst she didn't have that strength. Talisa knew that difference between us but didn't give a damn.



Mrs Marshall was still rambling about something unrelated and I found myself packing my leather bag, knowing she wasn't going to stop anytime soon.

All eyes were on me as I stood up, hungrily raking through my eyes inch with allure and interest. Ignoring them, I slung my bag over my shoulder leaving the classroom. Behind me, I could vaguely hear Mrs Marshall telling me that the lessons not over yet but I couldn't care any less and instead let the door slam shut behind me.

As I stride down the hallways, my eyes fell upon the posters that had been placed around the Academy regarding the Spring Masquerade Ball that was coming up soon. I'd heard Talisa and Ashlei discussing it last week. It was apparently a renowned event for the senior years.

You are cordially invited to the annual Forteaux Academy Spring Ball

28th May

8pm - 1am

Dinner • Cocktails (18+) • Formal Attire

In the corner of the glossy paper was a photo of a white lace mask that looked similar to one that I'd seen in the past. It has thin snow coloured lines, a few silver gems and a feminine shape.

The Taste of Silver | Fortune's Fool #2Where stories live. Discover now