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I lived another day, and here is da chappie y'all been waiting for!


Sometimes what you hear needs clear on proof.But how were you going to explain to Mama G or anyone in this god forsaken world that your stuck inside a gaint alien robot?Bonus!One that knows what your name is by one glance??You really don't know but all you could do was watch this blue thingy pulsing in and out while hitch riding within this robot...

"Breakdown!" This voice sounds familiar, but you listen more as the shots and koas increase "Soundwave is in need of assistance!Bulkhead, Bumblebee, and Ultra Magus is here!"

Soundwave??....I learned that stuff back in 8th grade actuall-.

Breakdown, yeah I think so, tched "I can handle Bulkhead with ease but the other two?I need some helping servos for them slick fraggers."

"Megatron is fighting off Optimus Prime, Dreadwing and his twin are fighting off Arcee and Wheeljack, almost everyone is offline by now or in need of repairing!"

Breakdown stiffens up, for a few seconds, before speaking again in a low tone "......Starscream, I need you to do me a favor."

Waite?This was Starscream??Oh no please don'-!

"And what is that-?"

"Take her..." Breakdown was handing you to, yes it is, Starscream with such care and calculated haste "....And hide her like your spark depends on it!"

Starscream was at the lost of words to see you here, on the Nemesis, at the most worst time and place.To you, he looks pretty beat up and shit.Mostly exhausted.

"Get to it Starscream-!"

That was soon intruded by a huge hole in the wall, 12 or 10 feet away from them, was caused by two robots rolling and fighting like no tommorrow.It looks like the colorful one is winning.

"Ah, looks like I didn't have to find you at all.." Breakdown pops his servos and neckcords, smirking evily with pride "....must of have missed me did ya Bulkhead?~"

The robot, that deep green fat buffy underneath, throws the big one off him before those baby blue lights stare into deep red ones.Full of hate.

"I didn't come to kick your aft you over size bird brain!We came back for Smokescr-!.." You may be covered up fully by Starscreams servos, leaving only a crack between his digits that you could see through, both yours and baby blue eyes made contact "....don't tell me that's another human."

Breakdown shoves his shoulder at Starscream, making him now leave with you, only leaving you two to hear Breakdown say "So what?You going to be a pile of scrap soon before you know it!" and nothing else.

-Time skip to 3 1/2 minutes later-

Starscream didn't know where to even hide you.He ran into soooo many fights with what you presum to be the bad guys and escaping without a single touch nor scratch.By now he ran into a room that looks like a bedroom of sorts.Dark and gloomy as hell.

"Why do I feel like your planning to rape me?"

Starscream snaps his helm to you so fast that he might have broke his neckcords "NO!No I am not planning that at all!"

He place you down on what seems to be a table "Surreee you arree.."

"Shush I'm trying to hide you remember?Just...." Starscream groans so loudly, stomping his feet like a little kid "....out of all times and days, why now?!"

Little Photos, One Million MemoriesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon