Happy Life

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It was a nice day, waking up early in the morning, watching the sunrise from over the mountains not far from your home.It was lovely.Taking a quick sip of your (F/Tea) you took your small camera, got in the most beautiful and stunning angle you could get, then took the picture with pure bubbly happiness and joy.You took the camera and look at the picture you took, it was so beautiful.You just had to show this to mama G, a nickname your adoptive family member goes by, and keep this to your small box of memories! You happily got up from your seat you took so quickly to only now realize that it was almost 7:00 PM, Mama G would be waking up soon! Taking your time you managed to get a small recipe book out and began to cook some maple bacon omelet!You were a very happy teen, very positive and kind to everyone you meet, since Mama G took you in when you had no where else to go.Yes, she was an elder woman in her 49 years of age but her looks and attitude was all linked to a young women in her early 20s.You were so happy to have her as you grew up, she always made you feel special and all happy-&-go-lucky!....She is such a amazing mother figure to you, she is the main reason why you fell for photography.You like to take such stunning pictures with her, yourself, or mostly outdoors.Mama G was your inspiration!Your model!Thank god for you were blessed to have her, she is such a blessing!

"Hm?Your up early snowflake..." Mama G comes in, going to make herself some ice coffee "...Don't you have school today?"

You smile, shaking your head "Nope.It's summer break Mama G!"

"Oh?Well gosh darn it, where is my watch-?"

"Found it!.." You reach over to the sink side, now handing it to her "...it's now 7:45 PM by the way."

Mama G kissed your cheek then pats them, taking her watch and ice coffee with her to the kitchen table "Why thank you snowflake...." Mama G then picks up the watch, playing with the buttons, mumbling "....now how do you turn back time?"

Now you didn't hear this due to finally being done with the food, set it on two divided plates, and serve it to Mama G as she continues in determination to turn back time.

"Mama G your food is going to get cold.." you cut a small slice of your omelet off, taking a bite out of it "...is something wrong with the watch?Is it broken??"

Mama G takes a sip of her drink, then respond "...Oh it isn't broken snowflake!You got me this last week!Such a nice presents for such a old lady like me-!"

"Your a very important person in my life so you deserve the very best!"

You could see a small smile appear on Mama G's face, her latino skin glowed with it too "How was I blessed with such a sweet little angle like you!~"

"I really don't know actually.." You stop to fix your (H/C) (H/L) hair behind one of your ears, taking a sip of your tea "....all I know is that what happens is planned since birth, and then god takes the role to guide us down the right path, and he lead me to you as he lead you to me I guess?"

"Such wise and powerful words for such a small 15 year old girl like you, who are you?This possibly can't be my little snowflake!~"

You let out a small laugh, raising your hands up in a playful defense "Oh no!~Mama G caught me!~W-What are you going to do to me human?!~"

"Human?!Ha!Waite till I turn back time and have a small 7 year old (Y/N) in that chair...then we'll see who is 'human'!"

And just like that, the day started off with smiles, laughter, and endless joy.What a good time to start off your day am I right?

-3 hours later-

Man I love the snow!It's so fun out here!And these pictures!Oh my tulips Mama G is going to love these photos!Packing my stuff up I walk myself back to the house, that nice old rustic looking house, and happily walk in.My red freezing face was then hit with a rapid current of warm air and a homely atmosphere as I took a nice welcoming inhale of apples and honey.Before running off you took off your snow covered boots and carry them with you to your bedroom bathtube, so that when it melts the water goes down the drain.After getting that done you took off your mitts, your beanie, earmuffs, scarf, and jacket before flopping onto your warm bed.Enjoying the warmed that radiates from it.


Ah, your little Scottish Fold cat wants your attention!

"Come here Bagel.." you choo to her, picking her up with ease "....such a sweet little Bagel you are hm?"

Bagel purrs as she curls - once you laid down - underneath your neck and becomes a small living neck pillow.Aw.Such a cutie she is!~

Luckily, since you had your phone and earbuds in your pocket, you took it out and pressed 'shuffle' before putting in your ear buds, the song starting as you close your eyes for a better experience.

'My heart's a stereo!~
It beats for your, so listen close
Hear my thoughts in every note
Make me your radio!~
Turn me up when you feel low
This melody was meant for you
Just sing along to my stereo!~'

When it said that, I turn it up by two clicks!

'If I was just another dusty record on the shelve
Will you blow me off and play me like everybody else?~
If I ask you to scratch my back, could you manage that?~
Like it read well, check it Travie, I can handle that
Furthermore, I apologize for make skipping tracks
This the last girl that play me, left a couple cracks.~
I used to used to used to used to, now I'm over that!~
Cause holding grudges over love is ancient artifacts!~
If I could only find a note to make you understand!~
I sing a song and the image grab you by the head.~
Keep me stuck inside your head, like your favorite tune!~
And know my heart is a stereo, the only place for you-!~'

"(Y/N)!!!I'm home!"

I got up, smiling widely "Welcome back!..." you turn around to pick up your camera before rushing downstairs "...Mama G look at the pictures/photos I took today!"

Mama G was a very pretty lady.She had her black hair in a bun, wore patterned clothes and a fuzzy hoodie, held a slim man worthy figure, pinkish plump lips, beautyful green eyes, and such smooth latino skin. Honestly, Mama G would be such a great fashion model if she ever wanted to become one.She would easily fit the roll!

She turns around in time to see you doing a Naruto run at her, attacking her in a hug "OOF!I think you may caused this geezer here to break their hip Snowflake haha!"

You smile, showing her the pictures you took.Mama G looks at all them, smiling at them warmly, then hooks a arm around you, tickling your sides.You managed to get out of it though.

"Sooo....hows life?"

Mama G raise a brow, amused "I was going to say the same thing, but yeah so far it's good..." she sits down on the couch, looking at you "....and I got some news for ya to hear-."

"Is it bad news?I don't like bad news Mama G.."

"Nonono, it's good news come now.." she pats the seat beside her "..sit and I will tell you."

And like that you were there, waiting for her to say the news.Mama G was amused by this positive attitude of your but proceeds.

"I have found a better job to work at, and it is out of our state.."

You tilt your head, confuse but happy for her "Okay, so we gotta move right?"

Mama G nods smiling "Yes, I am afraid so.I already did some calls for some moving trucks to be here by tomorrow, so try to get what you want to keep with you packed up and already alright?I'm going to sell the house with the items left behind-."

"Why sell the house?It could be a good vacation home?"

Mama G nods, seeing what you mean "Yes it would, but by doing this will give us a boost on money since we will be on the road all the way to our new home.We are going to a place called Jasper within the state of Nevada!"

You then made a silght 'oh' before heading upstairs, packing what you would like and dislike immediately. Yes, it took you several hours but once done you tooka a nice shower, brush your hair and teeth, and head to bed.Not even thinking of coming down for dinner due to how exhausted you were.

But oh....you don't even know the true meaning of exhausted before and waiting for you to arrive at Jasper, Nevada...one hell of a ride.

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