Trust Me p.3

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....Knockout baby, you can do better then this!

Starscream POV

"It's sooo crowded here!"

I nod, looking over a sea of humans "You might need to stay by me-."

"Whyy helloo!~" A boy comes up, his voice and looks almost made me gag at his ungly smug face, as he push his blond hair back, his dark green eyes trace (Y/N)'s form "This place is rather crowded isn't it?Mind if I help you guys to a better open spot?~"

"That would be-!"

"No.."I could tell (Y/N) gave me a shock look as I held her closer, keeping her away from this dude "..Besides, we have some friends waiting for us."

The boy didn't give up, oh no he did not give up, instead he GRABBED (Y/N)'s arm and - i guess - his guy friend TORE me away from her.Holding me in a head lock as I take a deep inhale of alcohol come from this guy as he breaths heavily...These two were fragging drunk!

"Now you see, when I want something  - person or object - I will always.." he walks over to me, (Y/N) trying to get out of his hold, as he kicked me hard in the lower stomach causing me to feel pain and vomit a bit "...get what I want!~"

"No!Let me go-!"

The dude laughs dauntingly, cupping her face forcibly in his hands to her displeasure as he drew close to her face, smiling evil "..You have some fight in you I see?I wonder how much you have when I play with you in be-?~"


"Vincent!.." The guy shouts out, letting me fall onto the floor as (Y/N) makes her way to my side "...what the fuck did you do that for man-?!"

"You really shouldn't touch woman like that at all boy..." I look up slightly, seeing a fimialer mech popping his knuckles " I really want to kick your ass to next week for kicking a friend of mine to the point he makes a mess of himself!"

"You okay Sorin?"

I nod, looking at her face, seeing some redness "Sorta, are you alright?"

You smile, rubbing your cheeks "It'll go away, nothing that harmful."

"Vicent isn't it?.." Knockout towers over the two drunkies, glaring daggers at them "...I suggest you get your fragging aft into your ugly aft car, it's almost time to start-."


A loud horn goes off in the air, everyone stopping and turning around, then a girl appears out of the blue in a panic, screaming into the microphone in her hands "THE POPO IS HERE!!!"

Ah scrape...this is not my day is it?

Vicent - that afthole - was swung over the guys shoulders, glaring at us "Fuck you!I hope they fucking get you to!"

Knockout flips off "You too fragging baka.." then he gets down to only wrap an arm around his shoulder, picking me up, soon taking (Y/N)'s hand "....I only wanted to have some fragging fun, just once!"

And like that, he was guiding all of you to his alt.It was rather hard to get to it due to all the people rushing out as others drive outta there like mad mechs.But soon a red Ashton Martin rolled up quickly to you guys, the doors swinging open with ease.

"Listen (Y/N) get in the front seat.." He takes Starscream to the back seat, glaring at him "...don't you dare throw up Starscream!"

You look at him in shock and fear "H-How do you know-??"

"Just trust me and get in!"

And like that, after hearing his booming voice and the sounds of cops coming closer, you hopped in and Knockout 'hit' the gas pedal, zooming off to a different path far away from people, cars, and of course out running the cops.

-Time skip due to the CoVid-19 ruining our lives, YOUR POV-

So.....that happened.That was quick but so god dame dangerous.Your not going to trust Starscream again-!

"Why have you run away from us (Y/N)?"

You look at the guy next to you, confuse "How do you know my name-?"

Suddenly the car began to shift, gears to gears, metal to metal, and the next thing you know it being held in a metal was another one of those robots..

"Don't change the subject (Y/N)!Do you know how heart broken we all were!Why did you run off like that-?!"

"I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT!" You shout at the robot, seeing his features change slightly, but you didn't stop, you kept on going "I DON'T REMEMBER ANYTHING WITH GIANT ROBOTS IN IT!I DON'T REMEMBER RUNNING AWAY!I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHO YOU EVEN ARE!!!"

The robot stood still, blank, as he absorbed your words.....but why?Why do you feel so guilty and heart broken??

"Knockout she found me under a bridge after fight with that femme autobot.." you turn your head to see Starscream in his robot form, not far form you two "....she even didn't know who I was and asked for my name..." He was not far from us, now glancing at me sadly "...Knockout, I think those 8 years has caused her to lose her memories of us."

The red robot let out a irritated sigh spitting out this bright blue stuff from its mouth "Go on, finish me off you autobot pest!"

That was when she saw the yellow and black robot make a gun out of his arm.That is soooooo cool!But....he was gonna kill the red robot. Right infront of you. You have to do something!The gun - that the yellow and black robot had - was glowing and, without even thinking it over, she jumped right infront of the red robot in a 'DON'T SHOOT!' stance.

"P-Please!D-D-Don't shoot him!"

You held your head in pure pain, bending down so your head feels the cool metal holding you, whimpering softly "...n-not agaaaiinn!..."

Both of the robots attention were drawn on you as you whimper in agony, soon enough you felt a cold object on your back.Rubbing small circles in a calm soothing manner.You slightly look up to see both of them there, looking down on you, conserned.

"Why are you whimpering?.." Starscream says, looking you over as Knockout rubs a little more "...and what do you mean by 'not again'?"

You fiddle on with telling them, but told it anyway "S-Since I moved here, one day 1 actually, I have been having weird gifs and stuff come popping out of nowhere into my mind...." you rub your head, feeling it throb more "...and it happen again just now....GOD my head hurts!"

Starscream hums, raising a brow "...Maybe that's a memory?What was it about?"

"It was about two robots, one with red eyes and the other blue eyes, and the red one was.." I stop to point my finger at Knockout " were going to die and before you did, a little girl jumped in, stopping it all..."

"Hehe...That was our first meeting before you met the others-."

"Others?" You look at the two, wide eyed "There is more??!"

Knockout chuckles, smiling softly "Yeah there is, they miss ya kiddo.."

Suddenly Starscream plucked you out of his servos, placing you in his "We may as well be on our way.." he transforms, you in the cot pit again "...Knockout what are you going to do now?"

"Me?I got some time to spend still, Breakdown and the nanny has the sparklings for the time being..." Knockout shrugs before walking away, waving "'s nice to have you back (Y/N), until we see each other again!" and he in his car mode driving off.

"Forgive me."

You raise a brow, confusion all over your face "Why-?"

Then right there, he injected a needle into your back and all you felt was yourself falling asleep and a nice blanket draped over you.

"See?(Y/N)..." he flew off, towards your home "...You can trust me!"

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