2.22 Reasons

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" You don't meet people by accident, There is always a reason, A lesson or a blessing."


Soobin's POV

- Let's talk - Seonghwa said to me, at first I couldn't believe what he said, I was looking around to see if someone was here except me, but no, he was talking to me.
- What? - I asked confused
- Do I really have to repeat it? - he asked and rolled his eyes
- Yeah... Yeah... what do you want to talk about?
- Everything... Firstly why were you treating me like that? Why you hated me that much when I haven't done anything? I did everything you asked for, I have never done anything against you and yet you treated me like a trash. So explain what have I done wrong?!
- You have done nothing wrong, It was all my fault, I wasn't thinking clearly...
- Why? Yes, I get it your father cheated with my mom but was it really my fault? I have never asked to be born, I have never wanted to leave her! So why?!
- " if you don't destroy him first he will take everything from you" "he may seem nice but this is just an act, he is just like her mother"
- What?
- My mom told me that before she died
- So that was enough for you to hate me?
- No, then there was our dad "remember we just using him, but if you ever let him think that he is one of us, you will lose. " " he is my biological son so that means he can take everything from you, that is what his mother wanted, and trust me he is the same" " show him his place" - I said to him, the words my dad used to tell me every day, It was stuck in my head and every time I use to see Seonghwa I was remembering those words. - I know Seonghwa this isn't the right excuse for what I did to you, but this is how I grew up and this isn't only about you. My dad and mom didn't even care what I did. As a kid, I couldn't even remember when was a time when They spent time with me and played with me. In our house, there wasn't a thing like Love... As I kid I only watch how heartless person was my dad, how he used people, how he used his fame and money to cover up everything. Things like that became normal to me. when I was 8 I stole something from the shop only to attract my dad's attention, but he only paid money to make them shut up and guess what he told me... " when you are going to do something bad, first think how to cover it up." he didn't care Seonghwa, you were jealous because I was his favorite that he cared about... But you were wrong. I was his legal son... The son he needed to show to the world.
- and what about Yeonjun? What he has done to you?
- I was always jealous of you.
- Jealous of me? What kid of joke it is?
- I heard when you talked to Yeonjun about you mother, you were so happy while talking about her and the memories you had with her... You sure had a happy childhood, so I was jealous. It seemed that your mother cared about you a lot. I have never had a good friend, all of them were like me or worse than me, they weren't even my friend because I knew they could give up on me anytime, so I was jealous that still, you were the one who had everything and I wanted to take that from you but trust me I have never thought that it would take us this far.
- I had everything?! You are joking, right? People were afraid to friend with me because of you... I was all alone and Yeonjun was my only friend!
- Do you think those people only stand away from you because of me?! For those people name is everything, they look at where you come from.... Trust me I wasn't the only reason!
- Still, You don't have any right to say that you were jealous, of course, you have no idea how much have I suffered. And for you... you just didn't care, you have never thought about my or anyone else, you only care about yourself
- Trust me... It is different now...
- How you want me to believe you when All you do us lying?
- I'm not lying
- Oh really?
- Then tell me everything, where have you been all this year? What happened to my so-called friend Yeonjun?!
- I... I have already told you that
- Lies... Lies... But forget it even Yeonjun won't tell me anything
- Listen Seonghwa Yeonjun still is your friend, he still cares a lot about you.
- Stop giving me lies Soobin.
- I'm not lying...
- Soobin I don't think that you have changed... Maybe this is what you think and believe but trust me you are the same, only thinking about yourself.
- That's not true
- Really? Then you wouldn't be with Mila
- what do you mean?
- We both know how everything will end up and the only person who will be hurt is her. See Soobin... You only think about yourself
- It was her chose
- I'm done talking if you don't want me to know the truth at least tell.
- Sometimes it is better to keep things hidden so no one will be hurt. You have no idea how hard it is to keep everything but trust me it's not for me. I just want her to be happy.
- You should know that by now she won't be happy with you for a long
- I am trying to fix everything I really do.
- Sometimes it's better for people like you stay still because once you decide to do something it leads us to disaster
- So what you want me to do?
- Stay away from her, from everyone
- Why do you care about her that much? - I asked hoping that the answer would be different from what I expected
- It's not your business.
- Do you... Do you like her? - I asked slowly


Hi everyone, I just got back from vacation, that's why I wasn't able to update Sorry❤️❤️
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