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"If every time you were picked & thought you would be Loved
Only to be left,
Would you not develop thorns To?"


-what... what do you  mean?-I asked confused
-You asked what have I done... I'm here to say... If you want to hear my story -He said slowly
-It that what you want?- I asked I don't know why I still care... I don't have any excuse for that but I wasn't sure if he was ready to tell me about his life... End even though I hate to admit it I didn't want to hurt him. Not even a little
-why do you care about what I want?
-I'm not like you. I care about others feelings
-of course, you do... Anyway, No matter how hard it is for me to talk about this. I still feel like I want to tell you this.
-Okay, come in-I said and let him come in.

Soobin was sitting in front of me. I kept quiet don't want t force him anything so I waited until he spoke

-Me, Yeonjun and Yuna went to the same school, well literally every school has its bad boy... So in our school, I was the one. I didn't care about others... I was heatless, Yuna was like me. So long story short we were bullying people And Yeonjun was a clever and kind person. But I didn't care about him back then. Actually, I bullied him a Lot... That Time I didn't know that My actions would have circumstances... Yeonjun was struggling every day because of me and Yuna... In the end... He just couldn't handle all of this... And...- Soobin has a hard time to finish the sentence... Tears rolled down his face...
-Soobin you can stop-I said to him worried
-No... I never actually said this story to anyone... I didn't think that it would be so hard to say this out loud... Guess I was wrong-he mumbled- back to the story... one day Yeonjun told me to him on the rooftop... I didn't even think that he would do that... but when I went there and saw his face... his look was enough that moment I realize all my sins... And also I realized what he was about to do... I really wanted to stop him..but I couldn't everything happened to fast...
It was all my fault and I perfectly knew that... I was ready to pay for my actions. But my dad was a powerful person so I never spent a day in prison even though I really tried.
One day I went out to have a drink. Yuna was there too. She also felt terrible. So that day we had a car accident. This is how we died and ended up here. This is my story Mila. This is what I an. See I don't deserve anything. I don't deserve to be here-he said last words in anger and looked down to avoid my eyes-I'll go now... Hope you find a way to leave this place Mila-he said and got up and went straight to the door
-wait-I said to stop him- you are here for a reason... You are here because you feel sorry for what have you done... This is your chance to fix everything...
-didn't you hear what I just said?!-he said angrily -I killed Yeonjun. I don't deserve any chance Mila...
-See! You perfectly understand that your actions were wrong. But still, you are here doing the same things. Why? Why are you being like this if you realize that hurting people is unacceptable?!
-because People Don't Change. They might realize their sins but they are the same...I'm the same...
-No-I mumbled slowly
-well, then can you explain why I hurt you? See Mila I hurt you just like I hurt Yeonjun. People don't change Mila
-You are just forcing yourself... All you did wasn't because you intend to hurt me... Yeonjun told me this and I didn't believe in him. But now I know...
-know what?
-You just want to hurt yourself... You don't think that you deserve anything good and you do everything to receive hate and not Love. You just can't forgive yourself Soobin

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