2.9 Date?

326 21 0

"Feelings that come back
Are the feelings that ever left..."


Mila's POV

I went to School with Yunho and Yeosang

- Where Is hongjoong?- I asked
- He is sick. - Yeosang answered
- Yeah sure. You mean sick if school right? - Yunho asked ad smiled
- Whatever. Let's go inside - Yeosang said

- Hey Mila - once I went inside I've heard Seonghwas's voice
- Oh... Hi Seonghwa - I said to him
- Hi... Hi guys - Seonghwa said and smiled - Mila can I talk to you for a second
- Amm yeah sure. Guys you can go... I'll come- I said to Yunho and Yeosang. They both nodded and went inside.

- so what you wanted to say? - I asked
- Actually, I wanted to apologize for yesterday.
- I told you there is nothing to worry about
- Well, maybe but dragging you from the classroom wasn't good behavior. So I needed to apologize
- Then I accept your apologies - I said and smiled. - Do you want to say anything else? - I asked before going inside
- Yeah actually I do
- Okay. What is it?
- The thing is... If you are free tonight do you mind if we go to the movie... I kinda want to apologize for it- he asked shyly, Seongwha and shy? That's something new.
- Amm... You don't have to really
- But I want to do it... If you are free of course
- I'm free but.
- You are? Good, I'll pick you up at 6 PM- Seonghwa cuts me off. -I'll go now. See you at. 6 - he said and went inside.

Guess we see each other at 6 I mumbled and was about to open the door when someone did that for me.

- Oh, thanks - I said and looked at the person. It was Soobin. First Seonghwa now Soobin.
- Hi Mila - he said and smile
- Hi Soobin
- How are you? - he asked
- Fine. You?
- What you have?
- Amm math. You?
- Same. The third floor right?
- Yes.
- Let's go we will be late - he said and smiles

- So... I saw you with Seonghwa today - he said... Why he is so curious about me and Seonghwa
- well yes.
- you two get along well
- kind of.
- great - he answered, but didn't seemed happy about it.

Once we went inside everyone looked at me, first I was confused but then I remembered that Soobin was standing next to me.  sit next to Yunho was empty so I sat next to him.

- Mila what the Hell? - he asked immediately
- what do you mean?
- First Seonghwa. now Soobin... Really? - he asked
- Seonghwa wanted to apologize for yesterday.
- what happened yesterday?

- Mila Yunho... be quite! - The teacher said to us
- let's talk about it after the lesson- I said and Yunho nodded


- So start - Yunho said once we went outside
- remember when I told you that Seonghwa got angry once Soobin went inside the classroom
- yeah...
- well, he was about to hit a student who joked about him. but I stopped him and then he dragged me from the classroom
- did he do something to you? I'll kill him
- No! if course not! he apologized for that.
- and Soobin?
- oh I met him in the hallway and he asked if we had the same classes and then we went together
- Okay. I understand- Yunho said.
- oh there is one more thing - I said
- what is it?
- well, Seonghwa asked me to go to the movie with him.
- like a date? - Yeosang asked
- No! he just wants to apologize- I said.
- Oh, Mila! don't be stupid! he just used this " I want to apologize " thing to ask you out- Yunho said annoyed
- whatever it's just a Movie
- you really do everything opposite-Yunho said
- what do you mean?
- I've told you to stay away from Soobin and Seonghwa and one is asking you out and the second is walking you to the classroom
- oh, come on Yunho. as I said It is just a Movie! and me and Soobin had the same class
- whatever. it's your life I just don't want you to get into trouble
- I really appreciate that you are worried but you shouldn't be. there is nothing to worry about.
- Yeah, I hope so.

Soobin's POV

we were having dinner without seonghwa of course. he was upstairs as always. but suddenly Seonghwa came to us. but he was all dressed.

- I'm going- Seonghwa said to dad.
- where? -my dad asked
- to see the movie
- with who?
- My classmate. I asked her out. oh, Soobin I think you now her... Mila. You now right? - He said and smirked

Seonghwa I'm going to kill you right now!


Not edit! ❤️ sorry for the late update.

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