2.19 Past

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"To get over the past, you first have to accept that the past is over. No matter how many times you revisit it, analyze it, regret it, or sweat it, it's over."

Past time ( when Soobin and Yeonjun were alive)

Seonghwa's POV

It was my 15th birthday and again I was alone... And everything happened because of Him!

"you are no one Seonghwa... Do you even realize how shameful it is for my dad to let you leave with us? If your mother just died quietly, without telling the entire world about your existence. You would leave in the street! My father did not have a choice since everyone knew that you were his child from a fucking mistress, he had to let you leave with us. So Seonghwa always remember your place... Oh, wait you don't even have a place... It is a shame to have you here with us. "

This was what Soobin told me when I first arrived at his house. And I always kept it in my mind. I have been leaving here for 4 years and every day I tried to hide from Soobin, I would wake up 2 hours early, So Soobin wouldn't see me. I would wait until Soobin finished eating and only then I went downstairs to eat, Soobin noticed it, So he would stay downside until 12 AM, So I wouldn't go down to eat, he some would wake up early but wouldn't leave until 9 AM, So I would be late for school. But I really wish that this was the only thing he would do to me. The school was even worse, he would always make fun of me, do horrible pranks, even beat me up, his dad didn't even care about it. He would always say that it was all my fault, yes his dad, I would never dear to called him dad...
Everyone was blaming me so I started to believe that everything Soobin did to me was my fault.

But I wasn't only one, he did horrible things to others, Yeonjun was one of them, he never actually cared about Yeonjun, he never knew about his existence, but one day when Soobin beat me, Yeonjun took care of me, after that I became really close to him, he was like an old brother, of course, he was sacred of Soobin as well, trust me everyone did, So he couldn't do anything against him, but he would always cheer me up and would always spend time with me, I wasn't celebrating my birthday alone anymore.
But it didn't last long, Soobin noticed everything, So he started to destroy my only friend - Yeonjun.

" at least you are not alone in this anymore " this was what Yeonjun would say after Soobin started to destroy his life

And he succeeded,
it was my 14th birthday, I want to our secret place, to celebrate my birthday, with Yeonjun...
He wasn't there
1 hour... He still isn't here
2 hour
3 hour
4 hour he didn't show up

I called him but he didn't answer, I want back to school to check up on him...

Once I got there, I saw a bunch of people stranded around my school, there were police and ambulance, I couldn't understand what was happening

-excuse me, could you tell me what happened here? - I asked one of the women
-I'm not sure, I guess someone committed suicide.

then I saw police caring a dead body, it was covered so I couldn't tell who it was, then I saw Soobin, it was the first time I saw him crying. I went close to him

- I'm sorry, I never wanted his dead - he said to me
- who's death?! - I panicked, he did nothing but crying- Soobin?!
- I tried to stop him Seonghwa, I really did. I just wanted him to leave you alone for your birthday ... I... I NEVER WANTED IT TO BE LIKE THIS.
- No, No, it cannot be! - I said and went straight to the dead body
- Yeah, little kid, you can't be here- I've geared police yelling at me, but a ran to the body and pulled the White blanket that was covering his face and that is when I saw Yeonjun's lifeless body...

That was it, I was completely destroyed, Yeonjun would have always told me that I was strong, Stronger than him, Stronger than Soobin, Stronger than everyone else, but right now I felt weak... I can be strong when I couldn't even save my friend

- You are a monster! What have I done to you?! I did everything as you said! I followed your every command! So why?! Why you destroyed him like this! What he has done to you? It should be me! If you hated me that much you could have done anything! But why?! Why would you break him like this?! - I yelling at Soobin like a crazy, He didn't dare to say anything back

I hated him, I hated him with all my heart, I wanted him to suffer... But he was a coward, that why he killed himself, to run away from the truth

Present time
Still Seonghwa's POV

It was my 18th birthday, I was still at my secret place, I would always come here alone, I never celebrated my birthday every since then... But I would always come here

- I knew you would be here- I looked up to see yeonjun


Hi, I'm back, I had exams so I wasn't able to update, but I will update fast from now ❤️

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